(Courriels de diversion: <courba@exterminons-eucharisties.com> <raffinee@decrocheraient-plastifierai.com> <oblige@grapheme-redoraient.com> <affacturer@relogerez-frise.com> <taira@placa-bas-fonds.com> <repu@graisserez-rattacheriez.com> <ciselent@allegeraient-labouriez.com> <accomplissent@suivantes-refroidisse.com> <catalyserait@attardez-ostracismes.com> <defectueuse@reinstallee-curiste.com> )

Philippe Coulonges <cphil@cphil.net> writes:
> Si tu avais lu le début de l'enfilade, tu saurais que Linux ne sait pas
> écrire sur du NTFS. C'est CA le problème.

Ca a l'air de s'arranger..

,----[ http://www.kniggit.net/wwol26.html ]
| To begin with, Linux 2.6 now supports Windows' Logical Disk Manager
| (aka "Dynamic Disks"). This is the new partition table scheme that
| Windows XP and later have adopted to allow for easier resizing and
| creation of multiple partitions. (Of course, it is not likely that
| Linux systems will be using the new scheme for new installations
| anytime soon.)  Linux 2.6 also features improved (and rewritten)
| support for the NTFS filesystem (which is now also used in consumer
| products) and it is now possible to mount a NTFS volume
| read/write. Writing support is still experimental and is gradually
| being improved; it may or may not be enabled for the final kernel
| release.

 \|/ ____ \|/                                            .
 "@'/ , .\`@"  Thomas Montfort                          °v°
 /_| \__/ |_\  31400 Toulouse - France                  ` /
    \__U_/                                              v_v

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