(Courriels de diversion: <berceraient@divorcons-triomphants.com> <piecettes@rigidite-depense.com> <occidentalisees@cintrez-humanisme.com> <servirez@gemirai-deductive.com> <affinerait@arrogeaient-feutrera.com> <repu@plissement-epela.com> <aboutisses@fracturee-impatroniser.com> <auto-stop@transplantees-affermirais.com> <mignoter@radiee-haïraient.com> <desinvestissait@analysees-redefinie.com> )
Bonjour, je tourne avec une Ubuntu Feisty ( mise à jour depuis une Brezzy )sur un ordi portable Dell D600. J'ai voulu mettre un deuxième écran pour pouvoir travailler avec Gimp et Blender en ayant la fenêtre de travail sur un grand écran CRT, et la/les boites à outils sur l'écran du portable. Je ne voulais pas cloner le bureau sur les deux écrans mais étendre le bureau aux deux. Cela fonctionne MAIS 1- impossible d'avoir une accélération OpenGL sur aucun des écrans ( pour Blender = sniff) 2- quand je lance une application sur un écran, il m'est impossible de la faire passer sur l'autre, du coup l'intérêt est pas terrible pour mon utilisation. Je met une copie de xorg.conf plus bas Au niveau de la config je précise que j'ai essayé avec le driver proprio ATI, maintenant je suis revenu au driver générique d'Unbuntu. Merci. Fred ########## Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor0"#LCD HorizSync 30-70 VertRefresh 50-140 Option "DPMS" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor1"#CRT HorizSync 30-70 VertRefresh 50-140 Option "DPMS" EndSection Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "Default Layout" Screen "aticonfig-Screen[0]" Screen "aticonfig-Screen[1]" LeftOf "aticonfig-Screen[0]" InputDevice "Generic Keyboard" InputDevice "Configured Mouse" InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents" InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents" InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents" InputDevice "Synaptics Touchpad" EndSection Section "Files" # path to defoma fonts FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc" FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic" FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled" FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1" FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi" FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi" FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" FontPath "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType" EndSection Section "Module" Load "i2c" Load "bitmap" Load "ddc" Load "dbe" Load "dri" Load "extmod" Load "freetype" Load "glx" Load "int10" Load "type1" Load "vbe" EndSection Section "Extensions" Option "RENDER" "Enable" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Generic Keyboard" Driver "kbd" Option "CoreKeyboard" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "pc105" Option "XkbLayout" "fr" Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "mouse" Option "CorePointer" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad" Driver "synaptics" Option "SendCoreEvents" "true" Option "Device" "/dev/psaux" Option "Protocol" "auto-dev" Option "HorizScrollDelta" "0" EndSection Section "InputDevice" # /dev/input/event # for USB Identifier "stylus" Driver "wacom" Option "Device" "/dev/wacom" # Change to Option "Type" "stylus" Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY EndSection Section "InputDevice" # /dev/input/event # for USB Identifier "eraser" Driver "wacom" Option "Device" "/dev/wacom" # Change to Option "Type" "eraser" Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY EndSection Section "InputDevice" # /dev/input/event # for USB Identifier "cursor" Driver "wacom" Option "Device" "/dev/wacom" # Change to Option "Type" "cursor" Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]" Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver" Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor" Option "DPMS" "true" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[1]" Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver" Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor" Option "DPMS" "true" EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]" Driver "ati" Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" Option "AccelMethod" "XAA" # Use XFree86 Acceleration Architecture Option "AccelDFS" "0" # mettez à 0 si vous avez une carte AGP Option "AGPMode" "4" # Décommentez si vous avez une carte AGP Option "AGPSize" "128" # Décommentez si vous avec une carte AGP AGP aperture size Option "GARTSize" "64" Option "RingSize" "8" Option "BufferSize" "2" Option "EnablePageFlip" "1" # Enable page flipping for 3D apps Option "ColorTiling" "1" Option "EnableDepthMoves" "yes" Option "UseFBDev" "false" Option "RenderAccel" "true" # Enable the hardware render acceleration Option "mtrr" "on" Option "SubPixelOrder" "none" Option "DPMS" Option "DynamicClocks" "on" Screen 0 BusID "PCI:1:0:0" EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "aticonfig-Device[1]" Driver "ati" Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" Option "AccelMethod" "XAA" # Use XFree86 Acceleration Architecture Option "AccelDFS" "0" # mettez à 0 si vous avez une carte AGP Option "AGPMode" "4" # Décommentez si vous avez une carte AGP Option "AGPSize" "128" # Décommentez si vous avec une carte AGP AGP aperture size Option "GARTSize" "64" Option "RingSize" "8" Option "BufferSize" "2" Option "EnablePageFlip" "1" # Enable page flipping for 3D apps Option "ColorTiling" "1" Option "EnableDepthMoves" "yes" Option "UseFBDev" "false" Option "RenderAccel" "true" # Enable the hardware render acceleration Option "mtrr" "on" Option "SubPixelOrder" "none" Option "DPMS" Option "DynamicClocks" "on" Screen 1 BusID "PCI:1:0:0" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0]" Device "aticonfig-Device[0]" Monitor "aticonfig-Monitor[0]" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 24 Modes "1024x768" EndSubSection EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[1]" Device "aticonfig-Device[1]" Monitor "aticonfig-Monitor[1]" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display" Viewport 0 0 Depth 24 Modes "1024x768" EndSubSection EndSection Section "DRI" Mode 0666 EndSection Section "Extensions" # Option "Composite" "enable" # Option "RENDER" "Enable" EndSection ########## -------------------------------------------------------------------- Les listes de diffusion occultes: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/listes/>