(Courriels de diversion: <obliquees@corsaient-equivaloir.com> <interviendra@chaleur-calfeutreriez.com> <chine@reductible-papillonnees.com> <bourgeoisement@huilerais-ponctua.com> <bricoles@veste-accompagneraient.com> <etancherions@additionner-elaboriez.com> <supposant@grilles-contrecarrees.com> <industrialiserent@demenagement-discount.com> <inscris@pensant-perd.com> <agencees@persiste-reniaient.com> )

Voici un exemple de compte-rendu fait par spamassassin lorsqu'il
détecte un spam. Se baser sur un ensemble de critères c'est la force
de spamassassin :

This mail is probably spam.  The original message has been attached
along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted
mail in future.  See http://spamassassin.org/tag/ for more details.

Content preview:  As Seen on NBC, CBS, CNN and even Oprah! The Health
   Discovery that Actually Reverses Aging while Burning Fat, without
   Dieting or Exercise! This Proven Discovery has even been reported on by
   the New England Journal of Medicine. [...]

Content analysis details:   (51.10 points, 5 required)
NO_REAL_NAME       (1.1 points)  From: does not include a real name
RATWARE_EGROUPS    (4.3 points)  Bulk email software fingerprint (eGroups) found 
in headers
LOSE_POUNDS        (2.9 points)  Subject talks about losing pounds
BANG_OPRAH         (4.3 points)  BODY: Talks about Oprah with an exclamation!
OPT_IN_CAPS        (0.4 points)  BODY: Talks about opting in (capitalized version)
WHILE_YOU_SLEEP    (1.2 points)  BODY: While you Sleep
WE_HONOR_ALL       (4.3 points)  BODY: Claims to honor removal requests
REVERSE_AGING      (2.1 points)  BODY: Reverses Aging
WRINKLES           (4.3 points)  BODY: Removes Wrinkles
BANG_EXERCISE      (3.1 points)  BODY: Talks about exercise with an exclamation!
AS_SEEN_ON         (3.0 points)  BODY: As seen on national TV!
COMPLETELY_FREE    (1.1 points)  BODY: No such thing as a free lunch (2)
HTML_LINK_CLICK_HERE (0.1 points)  BODY: HTML link text says "click here"
HTML_30_40         (0.6 points)  BODY: Message is 30% to 40% HTML
BAYES_90           (3.0 points)  BODY: Bayesian classifier says spam probability 
is 90 to 99%
                    [score: 0.9860]
HTML_FONT_COLOR_RED (0.1 points)  BODY: HTML font color is red
HTML_FONT_COLOR_GREEN (0.2 points)  BODY: HTML font color is green
HTML_SHOUTING6     (2.9 points)  BODY: HTML has very strong "shouting" markup
HTML_FONT_COLOR_BLUE (0.1 points)  BODY: HTML font color is blue
PYZOR_CHECK        (4.2 points)  Listed in Pyzor, see http://pyzor.sf.net/
FORGED_JUNO_RCVD   (2.8 points)  'From' juno.com does not match 'Received' headers
RCVD_IN_DSBL       (4.3 points)  RBL: Received via a relay in list.dsbl.org
                    [RBL check: found]
MISSING_MIMEOLE    (0.1 points)  Message has X-MSMail-Priority, but no X-MimeOLE
CLICK_BELOW        (0.0 points)  Asks you to click below
MIME_HTML_ONLY     (0.1 points)  Message only has text/html MIME parts
MANY_EXCLAMATIONS  (0.5 points)  Subject has many exclamations
MISSING_OUTLOOK_NAME (0.0 points)  Message looks like Outlook, but isn't

Les listes de diffusion occultes: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/listes/>