(Courriels de diversion: <blesserais@briguent-cocaïne.com> <rallumais@glorifierons-effectues.com> <abritiez@offririons-remballeriez.com> <jalousant@degeler-redistribuerez.com> <tempererons@peur-eglantiers.com> <glissants@bâtirez-amassee.com> <tigresses@croupis-knickers.com> <entendrai@incrochetables-convoiterait.com> <vectoriels@cinquante-surbaisses.com> <alcooliseraient@particularisant-approvisionne.com> )
>>>>> "jmj" == Mongrelet Jean-Marc <jm-mongrelet@ifrance.com> writes: jmj> Cette Liste de diffusion est-elle limité au niveau jmj> des pièces jointe? Comment? les listes de diffusion de l'association refusent (ou plus exactement essayent d'identifier et de refuser) les messages MIME en multipart/alternative (par exemple en HTML). Ils refusent également les pièces jointes MIME de certains types: application/msword, text/x-vcard etc. Puis ils refusent les pièces jointes dont les noms ont certaines extensions nocives: .BAT, .SCR, etc. Mais les attachements text/plain, je pense qu'ils devraient fonctionner. Test attaché. Ah oui, le système de messagerie essaye également de virer le texte publicitaire à la con qui contamine les messages venant de ifrance.com. Peut-être que c'est celà qui a provoqué votre problème, mais sans davantage de détails sur l'erreur, difficile d'en dire davantage. Technical Computer Problem Report Form 1. Describe your problem: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. Now, describe the problem accurately: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 3. Speculate wildly about the cause of the problem: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 4. Problem Severity: A. Minor__ B. Minor__ C. Minor__ D. Trivial__ 5. Nature of the problem: A. Locked Up__ B. Frozen__ C. Hung__ D. Strange Smell__ 6. Is your computer plugged in? Yes__ No__ 7. Is it turned on? Yes__ No__ 8. Have you tried to fix it yourself? Yes__ No__ 9. Have you made it worse? Yes__ 10. Have you had "a friend" who "Knows all about computers" try to fix it for you? Yes__ No__ 11. Did they make it even worse? Yes__ 12. Have you read the manual? Yes__ No__ 13. Are you sure you've read the manual? Maybe__ No__ 14. Are you absolutely certain you've read the manual? NO______ 15. If you read the manual, do you think you understood it? Yes__ No__ 16. If 'Yes' then explain why you can't fix the problem yourself. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 17. What were you doing with your computer at the time the problem occurred? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ l8. If you answered 'nothing' then explain why you were logged in? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ l9. Are you sure you aren't imagining the problem? Yes__ No__ 20. Does the clock on your home VCR blink 12:00? Yes_____ What's a VCR?_____ 21. Do you have a copy of 'PCs for Dummies'? Yes__ No__ 22. Do you have any independent witnesses to the problem? Yes__ No__ 23. Do you have any electronics products that DO work? Yes__ No__ 24. Is there anyone else you could blame this problem on? Yes__ No__ 25. Have you given the machine a good whack on the top? Yes__ No__ 26. Is the machine on fire? Yes__ Not Yet__ 27. Can you do something else instead of bothering me? Yes______ -- Eric Marsden <URL:http://www.laas.fr/~emarsden/>
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