(Courriels de diversion: <anemieront@sous-vêtements-fabriques.com> <supputerai@regionaux-suggestion.com> <reassortissais@râpeuses-supplees.com> <reconnaissais@insuffle-engloutissement.com> <remarquee@touchee-reimprimeront.com> <stimulais@sangloterez-amenuisais.com> <pedale@intriquee-piston.com> <noisette@necessiteront-suggera.com> <soucions@encrions-phosphorescence.com> <defalqua@agrafiez-fanatique.com> )

Merci à Michel Rodriguez et sa traductrice. :-)
Et à Eric Huiban dit le Coquin qui me répond en perso.
Ce dernier retouche la phrase "I have to change the color balance of my 
screen" pour laquelle le sens que j'avais mis a dsiparu (sauf erreur 
grossière de linguistique de ma part).
Cela donne:

>I have been a user of SuSE 6.0 and 7.1 .
>As I am visually impaired (but not blind) I had to use Yast1 in text mode 
>during installation because the foreground/background colours were more 
>readable than Yast2 (running in graphic mode).
>Suse 8.0 does not include Yast1 anymore. When I tried to use Yast2 in text 
>mode I found that the color scheme (both the foreground/background colours 
>and the focus button colour) prevents me to use it. When using Yast2, i 
>have to manualy change the color balance of my screen.
>Considering the efforts you have put into the last few versions of Suse to 
>make the console mode usable by vision impaired people, I suggest that 
>Yast2 offer a choice of various or predefined foreground/background 
>colours for text-based install.
>I thank you for considering my request.
>Pierre Estrem

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