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Je vous soumets la lettre à SuSE que j'envisageais il y a quelques temps 
pour améliorer la lisibilité de Yast2 en mode texte.
N'hésitez pas à corriger mon anglais.
Q: ne serait-il pas bénéfique que ce mail soit rédigé au nom du CULTe afin 
d'une meilleure prise en compte ?
Dear team,

I have been a user of SuSE 6.0 and 7.1 .
I must precise I am a deficient visual (no blind) and so, it was necessary 
for me to use Yast1 in text mode during installation.
The reason was the foreground/background colours were more readable that 
Yast2 (running in graphic mode).

Today with the version 8.0, Yast1 has disappeared.
And then, I attempted to use Yast2 in text mode.
Immediately, I discovered the foreground/background colours and focussed 
buttons colours prevent me to use like.
For using Yast1, I must change the color balance of my screen that allow it.

Considering your effort to make accessible the console mode by blind people 
since a few versions, I contact you for submitting reclamation.
I would like you propose when a text-based install starts, a choice of 
various or predefined  foreground/background colours.
So that, any deficient visual people can continue to use her favorite distro.

I thank you for considering my request.

Pierre Estrem

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