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Le Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Zo RAKOTO-RAVALONTSALAMA chape about [linux-31] Gentus Linux :
>par contre, sous X, je n'arrive pas a lancer une fenetre de terminal. A
> chq fois, il me dit qu'il y a un pb dans les pty unix98. Ceci, sous un 
> utilisateur normal, mais en tant que root (sous x) ca marche. Qq1 a une
> idee ?
> A+

C'est une option du noyau, un coup de recompile s'impose surement (impossible ŕ
mettre en module).

Voici des details sur cette option (desolé c'est en anglais) :

A pseudo terminal (PTY) is a software device consisting of two
halves: a master and a slave. The slave device behaves identical to
a physical terminal; the master device is used by a process to
read data from and write data to the slave, thereby emulating a
terminal. Typical programs for the master side are telnet servers
and xterms.

Linux has traditionally used the BSD-like names /dev/ptyxx for
masters and /dev/ttyxx for slaves of pseudo terminals. This scheme
has a number of problems. The GNU C library glibc 2.1 and later,
however, supports the Unix98 naming standard: in order to acquire a
pseudo terminal, a process opens /dev/ptmx; the number of the pseudo
terminal is then made available to the process and the pseudo
terminal slave can be accessed as /dev/pts/<number>. What was
traditionally /dev/ttyp2 will then be /dev/pts/2, for example.

The entries in /dev/pts/ are created on the fly by a virtual
filesystem; therefore, if you say Y here you should say Y to
"/dev/pts filesystem for Unix98 PTYs" as well.

If you want to say Y here, you need to have the C library glibc 2.1
or later (equal to libc-6.1, check with "ls -l /lib/libc.so.*").
Read the instructions in Documentation/Changes pertaining to pseudo
terminals. It's safe to say N.


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