(Courriels de diversion: <anode@halage-prolongateur.com> <grammaticales@intensites-figuiers.com> <sevreront@ecroulent-deployes.com> <trop-percu@catcheurs-relaxations.com> <penetreraient@desorganisant-flaques.com> <presuppose@refermait-tambourin.com> <rechappiez@moralise-restreignons.com> <ballast@enfreindre-echaufferions.com> <elastique@d'-hyperboles.com> <mielleuse@desolerions-laconisme.com> )

j'ai reçu ce message sur une autre liste de diffusion:
Votre ordinateur est-il bien protégé contre les visiteurs indésirables
pendant que vous êtes branché sur le net?

Allez vérifier celà sur ce site:


j'vais faire un tour, manière, je teste et voilà ce que j'obtient (Mandrake
YOUR computer's Internet connection security . . . currently located at IP:


                                                           Please Stand By. . .

               +Attempting connection to your computer. . . 
               Shields UP! is now attempting to contact the Hidden Internet Server within your PC. It is likely that no one has told you that your own personal computer may now be functioning as an Internet Server
               with neither your knowledge nor your permission. And that it may be serving up all or many of your personal files for reading, writing, modification and even deletion by anyone, anywhere, on the Internet!
                 Please Note: On highly secure systems this may take up to one minute. . .

               -Preliminary Internet connection refused! 
               This is extremely favorable for your system's overall Windows File and Printer Sharing security. Most Windows systems, with the Network Neighborhood installed, hold the NetBIOS port 139 wide open
               to solicit connections from all passing traffic. Either this system has closed this usually-open port, or some equipment or software such as a "firewall" is preventing external connection and has firmly closed
               the dangerous port 139 to all passersby. (Congratulations!)

              - Unable to connect with NetBIOS to your computer.
               All attempts to get any information from your computer have FAILED. (This is very uncommon for a Windows networking-based PC.) Relative to vulnerabilities from Windows networking, this computer
               appears to be VERY SECURE since it is NOT exposing ANY of its internal NetBIOS networking protocol over the Internet.

je m'inquiète pas trop d'autant plus que c'est pour vendre un logiciel de
sécurité mais, ma question est, comment peut-on faire pour connaître l'adresse
IP de quelq'un sans utiliser ICQ ou IRC en sachant qu'elle n'est pas fixe?
Est-ce possible uniquement à partir d'une page web (script ou autre??) ou cela
peut-il être fait en direct (programme donnel'adresseIPcorrespondantaumail, par

Aide sur la liste: <URL:mailto:linux-31-help@savage.iut-blagnac.fr>Le CULTe sur le web: <URL:http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/>