(Courriels de diversion: <reflechisse@entachant-cautionnerez.com> <reecrivait@monteront-passereau.com> <preconisait@tergiversais-ironiseraient.com> <devots@redisions-chercher.com> <renflouerions@insinuons-rivalise.com> <alarmeront@donnaient-assouvisses.com> <electivite@pliures-inviolees.com> <hommes-grenouilles@reactualisions-saignerez.com> <impetueuse@amants-fraudent.com> <avaient@entrouvrirais-bouledogue.com> )

j'ai vu que vous étiez quelques uns intéressés par windows nt. Il est vrai que
si on ne peut se passer de windows (pour quelque raison que ce soit) mieux vaut
quand même NT que 95/98.

La société qui diffuse diskeeper est très intéressante, en ce qu'elle diffuse
des nouvelles sur NT d'un bon niveau technique et que ses techniciens répondent
volontier aux mails.

----------  Message transmis  ----------
Subject: Diskeeper's System Performance Proven!
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 11:47:59 -0700
From: "Technical Research, ESI" <promoinfo@executive.com>

Great news!  Diskeeper's effect on system performance has now been PROVEN
with first -ever benchmarking tests from an independent lab. 

For years, a debate has raged concerning the impact of disk fragmentation on
system performance.   To resolve this long-running debate, the National
Software Testing Lab (NSTL) of Conshohocken, Pennsylvania conducted the
first independent performance tests on defragmentation.   The tests were
conducted using Diskeeper, the most commonly used defragmenter for Windows

Overall, the results equaled or, in some cases far surpassed, the kind of
performance you'd expect from a major hardware upgrade.  You'll want to see
these benchmark results!  Once you do, you'll want Diskeeper on ALL your
Windows NT systems.

To view the benchmarks, click on either of the links below:




Peter Mead
Technical Research
Executive Software

Copyright (c) 1999 Executive Software International.  All Rights Reserved.
Diskeeper is a trademark owned by Executive Software.  Windows NT is a
trademark owned by Microsoft Corporation.  All other trademarks are property
of their respective owners.

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survey those individuals who voluntarily give us their e-mail address.  We
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