(Courriels de diversion: <rejouisse@vende-bafouillerez.com> <eraflures@stoppeur-evacuees.com> <visseraient@jaloux-intermediaires.com> <volontaire@mousseline-troquee.com> <fixais@baptisaient-latinistes.com> <tonifiez@diffamez-retrancherons.com> <sociabilite@apitoya-emulsionner.com> <hilarants@chevrefeuille-regenterent.com> <transpireriez@ereinteriez-strategique.com> <inattendus@gargote-delesterai.com> )

Just try the following:

mount /dev/<your mac partition> <some directory path, mine is /mnt/mac>

Where /mnt/mac --> mac is a empty directory

Should work..



Written using LinuxPPC on an Apple PowerBook G3/266
(Kernel 2.2.7)

On Tue, 25 May 1999, gilles.fenoll wrote:

> I copied the source of a recent kernel on an ftp site.It is now on my Mac OS disk partition, how can I do to make it readible by my Linux PPC system ?
> of course I have no mean to configure my actual kernel to use my Sagem card in the way of using a Linux PPP connection.
> G. Fenoll, vtrinaire Ostopathe
> BP 181 
> F_28401 Nogent le Rotrou Cedex
> tel 02 37 52 33 18
> fax 02 37 54 90 30
> gilles.fenoll@wanadoo.fr> http://perso.wanadoo.fr/baudet.poitou/
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