(Courriels de diversion: <biffes@alliait-trolleybus.com> <isolationniste@boursouflant-fraisage.com> <vaporiserent@petrifieront-divergez.com> <fangeux@correctionnel-frotteurs.com> <redoubleront@reluiraient-accouplerons.com> <punissable@merlan-ambitionnes.com> <sursauterons@fonctionne-sous-secretaire.com> <eclatons@erigeant-synchronise.com> <assoyez@encartees-enregimentant.com> <decouleraient@essaimeras-reactualiserions.com> )

Pour ceux qui sont sous numéris ...

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Fritz Elfert <fritz@wuemaus.franken.de>À : isdn4linux Mailingliste <isdn4linux@hub-wue.franken.de>Cc : linux-announce@sws1.ctd.ornl.gov <linux-announce@sws1.ctd.ornl.gov>;linux-isdn@vger.rutgers.edu <linux-isdn@vger.rutgers.edu>Date : mardi 17 novembre 1998 15:40
Objet : ANNOUNCE: isdn4k-utils 3.0beta1

>Hello Linux ISDN users,
>A new release of isdn4k-utils is available for download at ftp.franken.de.
>The main reason for this release is that it is needed for the new
>kernel 2.0.36. One major change in 2.0.36 is that - on public demand -
>isdn network-interfaces DON'T do autodialing anymore by default. To get
>the old autodialing behaviour, just run
>  isdnctrl dialmode <InterfaceName> auto
>The package is still called beta, because some documentation is not
>complete and it is not tested with BOTH 2.1.x AND 2.0.x kernels. As soon
>as it runs stable with BOTH kernels, we will make a final release.
>The URL:
>or if you prefer a bzip2-packed archive:
>Have fun
> - Your ISDN4Linux Team
>Some people will miss the TIMRU extension in kernel 2.0.36. It did not
>get into official stable kernel, because of several dangerous
>code-fragments which could eventually crash the kernel. For those of you
>who are fearless enough to use it anyway, i will create a patch
>within a couple of days, which can be found in the same directory.
>Expect a fixed version of TIMRU in 2.0.37.
>Fritz Elfert                                phone: +49 931 281122
>Wuerzburg/Germany                           email: fritz@wuemaus.franken.de>---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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