[Linux-31] pb backup rsync

jpcas jpcas at free.fr
Sam 18 Oct 12:25:04 CEST 2014

Le 18/10/2014 12:05, Pti-Jean a écrit :
> Comment dire à rsync, de supprimer dans la destination les objets
> (fichier, répertoire) qui sont filtrés ???


Une piste…

Extrait du man :

Files  that  are excluded  from the transfer are also excluded from
being deleted unless you use the --delete-excluded option or mark the
rules as only matching on the  sending side (see the include/exclude
modifiers in the FILTER RULES section).

In addition to deleting the files on the receiving side that  are  not
on  the sending  side,  this tells rsync to also delete any files on the
receiving side that are excluded (see --exclude).  See the FILTER RULES
section for a  way  to make  individual  exclusions  behave this way on
the receiver, and for a way to protect files from --delete-excluded.
See --delete (which is implied) for more details on file-deletion.

Par contre je ne sais pas si ça marche avec "--filter" ;-\


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