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Le 17/03/2011 13:11, Jean-Marc Mongrelet a écrit :
Pour un pdf ; il y-a pdfimages !
$ man pdfimages | catpdfimages(1) pdfimages(1)
NAMEpdfimages - Portable Document Format (PDF) image extractor (version 3.00)
SYNOPSIS pdfimages [options] PDF-file image-root DESCRIPTIONPdfimages saves images from a Portable Document Format (PDF) file as Portable
Pixmap (PPM), Portable Bitmap (PBM), or JPEG files.Pdfimages reads the PDF file PDF-file, scans one or more pages, and writes one PPM, PBM, or JPEG file for each image, image-root-nnn.xxx, where nnn is the image
number and xxx is the image type (.ppm, .pbm, .jpg). OPTIONS -f number Specifies the first page to scan. -l number Specifies the last page to scan.-j Normally, all images are written as PBM (for monochrome images) or PPM (for non-monochrome images) files. With this option, images in DCT format are saved as JPEG files. All non-DCT images are saved in PBM/PPM format
as usual. -opw passwordSpecify the owner password for the PDF file. Providing this will bypass
all security restrictions. -upw password Specify the user password for the PDF file. -q Don't print any messages or errors. -v Print copyright and version information. -h Print usage information. (-help and --help are equivalent.) EXIT CODES The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes: 0 No error. 1 Error opening a PDF file. 2 Error opening an output file. 3 Error related to PDF permissions. 99 Other error. AUTHORThe pdfimages software and documentation are copyright 1998-2004 Glyph & Cog,
LLC. SEE ALSO pdftops(1), pdftotext(1), pdfinfo(1), pdffonts(1), pdftoppm(1),22 January 2004 pdfimages(1)
JM --« Si un dieu était si puissant qu'il ait créé le monde, mais qu'ensuite il ne fasse rien pour y corriger les problèmes, à quoi bon l'adorer ? Ne serait-il pas plus juste de le juger ? » - Richard M. Stallman
-- Moi, j'écoute OxyRadio: http://www.oxyradio.net Membre de l'April: http://www.april.org http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternatives_ouvertes_aux_formats_fermés http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternatives_libres_aux_logiciels_propriétaires ----------------------------------------------------------------- Les listes de diffusion du CULTe - Pour une informatique libre http://www.CULTe.org/listes/ Pour se desabonner: mailto:linux-31-unsubscribe@CULTe.org?subject=Cliquez_sur_ENVOYER