(Courriels de diversion: <evenementielles@puerilites-entrelacent.com> <ratisserions@egoutter-devête.com> <constaterait@reprouve-motion.com> <verrouille@tourmenter-garrotter.com> <delectera@talonnait-sanctionnerez.com> <fractionnera@tentateurs-orientais.com> <digits@regressa-detachees.com> <detourne@exciteraient-apparierions.com> <chiropracteurs@apitoieront-relayant.com> <bareme@lutin-representa.com> )

cette annonce meparait assez importante pour la faire suivre ici.

Le service de construction openSUSE permet de construire un paquetage non seulement pour openSUSE mais pour la majorité des distributions usuelles (y compris Debian).

Je ne suis ni packageur ni développeur, je ne maitrise donc pas les détails du système, mais ca me semble quand même assez passionnant...


-------- Message original --------
Suject: [opensuse-announce] openSUSE Project Releases Major Update to openSUSE Build Service
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:30:31 +0200
De: Adrian Schröter <adrian@suse.de>Organisation: SUSE Linux Products GmbH
Pour: opensuse-announce@opensuse.org

Nuremberg, Germany -- April 16, 2007

The openSUSE team is proud to announce another major release of the
openSUSE Build Service (OBS). This release brings a new level to OBS
scalability by adding the ability for OBS instances to interact.

The 0.9 release will help grow a world-wide network of build service
instances. OBS instances can automatically interact with each other
and reuse projects residing on other OBS instances. New installations
of OBS are automatically configured to work with the main openSUSE
Build Service, which makes it easy to set up new instances and
minimize network traffic while keeping data in sync automatically.

Developers now have the ability to build all packages from the
openSUSE Factory (development) distribution. The 0.9 release also adds
the ability to automatically create multilib packages using baselib
for processor architectures that support 32- and 64-bit binaries.

Another important feature in order to get a complete distribution
development system is the image generation support. OBS can now
create images based on KIWI configurations automatically, which will
allow projects and developers to create installable images from
packages stored in a Build Service instance.

Furthermore, this release adds Qemu support, which frees developers
from the need to have hardware for every platform they wish to build
packages for. Using Qemu, developers can target any hardware platform
supported by Qemu (x86, x86_64, SPARC, MIPS, PowerPC, and m68k).

To help developers improve quality of packages, the Build Service now
supports automated tests using rpmlint after a build is finished.

The OBS team has also made significant progress in the area of
submission requests. This is an important step towards the 1.0
release, which will allow developers to contribute directly to any
project -- including the openSUSE distribution itself -- without requiring
manual patch creation and submission via Bugzilla. This should greatly
enhance the community's ability to collaborate with Novell developers in
working on the openSUSE distribution.

Developers can already request submissions to other projects, and
accept or decline submissions from others. However, OBS will not
support submissions to openSUSE distributions before the release of 1.0.

The 0.9 release is available as source or prebuilt as an RPM, and is
also now running on the servers at build.opensuse.org. Due to storage
space limitations, imaging support is only enabled on request for projects.

The OBS can be downloaded as source package at


or as rpm package set build by itself at


Special Thanks

The openSUSE project would like to extend special thanks to Martin
Mohring from 5e Technologies for extensive testing and bug reports.

We would also like to thank openSUSE sponsors AMD and IP eXchange for
providing infrastructure for openSUSE. Without these sponsors, we
would not be able to run openSUSE.org.

openSUSE also thanks our mirror network for providing storage and
bandwidth. Convenient installtion of hosted software would not be
possible without our mirror network. We welcome any additional mirrors.
Companies or organizations interested in providing complete or partial
mirrors please email at ftpadmin@suse.com.
About the openSUSE Project

The openSUSE project is a worldwide community program sponsored by
Novell that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. More information can
be found on http://www.opensuse.org/.

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <zonker@opensuse.org>Martin Lasarsch <martin.lasarsch@opensuse.org>
Adrian Schroeter
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
email: adrian@suse.de
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