(Courriels de diversion: <planifies@ennuierait-impudique.com> <reflechirons@directifs-gladiateurs.com> <beurre@retabliras-blaspheme.com> <freezers@drop-branchements.com> <degringolant@tairait-forcats.com> <deteindre@renonciation-quantifierent.com> <reevalue@idealisera-detellerais.com> <picorent@tartufe-cueillerons.com> <chevalerie@enhardisse-pope.com> <propagandiste@marathons-vomissait.com> )

Frank THOMASSIN a écrit :

Je vois la trad ainsi:

This script creates an HTML page that contains your music collection of

This script produces a HTML page which contains your playlist

MP3 tracks. This allows you to easily animate your evenings.

This allows you to easily animate your parties (/or/ soirées)

A marker is used to see if the title is in the playlist or not.

s/to see/to show/

Another marker lets you know if the title has been played or not from given moment.

An other one shows if the title has already been played.

A click on a title adds this one to the playlist.
Click onto a title to add it to the playlist.

The fields are: "File", "Artist", "title", "Time", the "Access" date, and "Notes".

Fields are etc.

Several ways to sort fields: "File", "Artist", "title", or "Time".

There are several ways to sort the list (according to File name, artiist name, title, duration)

En espèrant que cela pourra aider.



Vu de l'extérieur ça tient franchement de la farce grotestque.
Les listes de diffusion occultes: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/listes/>