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Quoting Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@free.fr>: > Selon Nicolas Figaro <pookicat@gmail.com>:> > > Le 25/09/07, Mr frÿffffffffffe9dÿffffffffffe9ric > > pouchal<fred260571@yahoo.fr> a écrit :> > > Bonjour > > > > > > Quelqu un aurait il un plan pour acheter cette > > > merveilleuse machine ... uniquement disponible aux usa > > > du 12 au 19 novembre et seulement 25000 unites vendues > > > ? > > attendre qu'elle soit livrée aux petits enfants, et regarder sur ebay. > > mis à part un intérêt esthétique indéniable, quel serait l'autre > > intérêt d'acquérir une telle machine ? > > Mis à part l'aspect éthique douteux de retirer les PC des mains des enfants, > il > faudra aussi que tu craques bitfrost sinon ton XO ne te servira à rien. > http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Bitfrost > > Les XO ne fonctionnent pas avec un BIOS classique et incluent dans celui-ci > un > système de sécurité qui fait que si il n'est pas ré-activé auprès du serveur > de > l'école au bout d'environ 3 semaines, il ne marche plus. «Theft and resale The OLPC originally planned to restrict the sale of the laptop to governments, meaning that private individuals would not be able to purchase it. This led to the fears of arbitrage. If XO-1 is only made available in certain areas and to certain parties, a parallel black market for the laptops may develop. An arbitrageur could find a way to obtain the laptops for the going rate and resell them in the black market for a higher price. The presence of a black market could also encourage the intended owners to sell their laptops. Negroponte addressed this concern during his presentation in the Emerging technologies Conference in September 2005: “ The grey market is a very serious issue. I don't want to be dismissive of it for a moment, and there are three ways of addressing it. Way number one is to have no market at all for it. I mean you can't sell it, who could buy it, and that isn't bullet proof. That's a little bit dreaming, but it's part of the equation. The second is to put the technologies into the device that help stop that. [The laptops distributed to middle schoolers in Maine are Apple iBooks] so they are not only great stuff to steal and we don't necessarily have corruption of that kind, but it's pretty transferable technology. They've put little things so the machine disables itself after a while if it hasn't connected to the school. You can put GPS in it, you can put all sorts of stuff. But then the third one, which I'm doing and I like is to make this machine so distinctive that it is socially a stigma to be carrying one if you are not a child or a teacher. Now you can obviously take it down to your basement, but I hope your spouse will even say: “Oh God! Honey! What did you do?” [...] So those three combined will I hope at least limit this to one percent or two percent.[54]» http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children%27s_Machine -------------------------------------------------------------------- Les listes de diffusion occultes: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/listes/>