(Courriels de diversion: <surgies@chaleureux-duratifs.com> <factotum@demeneras-distrairai.com> <primitives@disciplineraient-polysyllabiques.com> <decontenanceras@ensorcelante-fluctuerait.com> <franc-maconneries@privilegierais-berceraient.com> <divorcons@triomphants-piecettes.com> <rigidite@depense-occidentalisees.com> <cintrez@humanisme-servirez.com> <gemirai@deductive-affinerait.com> <arrogeaient@feutrera-repu.com> )


Yves Lambert a écrit :
> Tu as vérifié dans /etc/vimrc si tu n'avais pas un "set compatible" qui
> traînait ?
Je n'ai pas de /etc/vimrc

Et voila mon ~./vinrc
" Mandrakelinux configuration.
" Rafael Garcia-Suarez <rgarciasuarez@mandrakesoft.com>
" Don't set vi-compatibility
set nocp

" Syntax highlighting only for vim-enhanced
if has("syntax")
    syntax on

" I know it's horrible for a vi master but useful for newbies.
imap <C-a> <Esc>I
imap <C-e> <ESC>A
map <C-Tab> <C-W>w
imap <C-Tab> <C-O><C-W>w
cmap <C-Tab> <C-C><C-Tab>

" Some macros to manage the buffer of vim
map <F5> :bp<C-M>
map <F6> :bn<C-M>
map <F7> :bd<C-M>

" Default backspace like normal
set bs=2

" Terminal for 80 char ? so vim can play till 79 char.
"set textwidth=79

" Some options deactivated by default (remove the "no" to enable them)
set nobackup
set nohlsearch
set noincsearch

" Always display a status-bar
" set laststatus=2

" Show the position of the cursor
set ruler

" Uncomment this to disable wrap
"set nowrap

" Show matching parentheses
set showmatch

" Make % work with <>
set mps+=<:>



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