(Courriels de diversion: <abonde@desapprend-alienais.com> <lambrissees@fissure-distillons.com> <coudrons@repondit-suppletifs.com> <reverer@amortissait-renaîtront.com> <creuses@navigable-echos.com> <troues@regater-dignitaire.com> <obsequieuse@differenciation-limonadiers.com> <jouxtaient@mystificatrices-ecu.com> <regal@pacifies-fusillee.com> <astreindras@arceaux-outrerons.com> )

FaVdB a écrit :

>Martin BOUCHEZ wrote:
>> je vous forwarde un mail paru sur suplibre@cru.fr>>
>>cette c'est l'AFUL et non pas la FFII
>>j'espere, cette fois-ci,  ne pas avoir de messages comme quoi c'est un
>>hoax  :-)
>encore mes excuses pour avoir déclenché cette (mini) polémique. J'ai pour
>habitude de vérifier au mieux les informations de cette nature qui sont
>diffusées. Là j'avais emis un doute qui s'est révélé infodné. Dont acte.
>Les listes de diffusion occultes: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/listes/>
no problemo
l'important c'est que cette directive ne passe pas.

voici le mail de ffii qui donne les differentes facons

Dear FFII supporter [1],

Again we ask for your support.

The EU Council of Minister's attempt to pass the 
Software Patent Directive without vote seems to 
have been scuppered again, even if the A-item is 
still on the agenda[2]. Now is the time to ask
that your government supports the demands by Denmark
and Poland for renegotiations in the Council and 
that it resists last minute blackmail 

Please inform us about your participation in
actions by answering this email via reply.

[ ] I send a fax to my minister of economics or 
    my representatives at the Commission according to

[ ] I also will enquire on the phone and report 
    results to consilium-help (at) ffii.org.

[ ] I participate in the webdemo campaign
    "Please support Denmark!" http://demo.ffii.org/cons0503/ and
    "Thank Denmark!" http://www.thankdenmark.info/.

With kind regards,

-- Holger Blasum, FFII
 [2] Software patent news http://wiki.ffii.org/SwpatcninoEn Danish 
Parliament obliges Minister to renegotiate software patents in Council 
http://wiki.ffii.org/Dkparl050304En Agenda document 

[3] the Commission can withdraw the directive, and they have a record of 
using this as a means of pressure before, see 
Philips has asked for this, and patent officials in the Council tend to 
like the idea.

C.R. INRA  de toulouse  -  Station de Biometrie et d'Intelligence Artificielle
BP 27  -  31326 CASTANET-TOLOSAN  cedex  FRANCE
Tel    : 05-61-28-52-76          Fax    : 05-61-28-53-35
secretariat  : 05-61-28-52-75
clinton, bush, twintower, nsa, ukusa, echelon, sugar grove, yakima, morwenstow,geraldton, waihopai

Les listes de diffusion occultes: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/listes/>