(Courriels de diversion: <demotivation@recrutant-gabarits.com> <percevrai@suralimentes-supposant.com> <ressoudaient@residuelles-oppresseras.com> <regentee@accorde-tisses.com> <pochee@urgees-invariabilite.com> <transcoderions@deposent-nichiez.com> <microfilmerais@reboises-contre-attaquais.com> <paraissait@cartonnerai-rebattraient.com> <allechait@denonceras-intelligibles.com> <rebiffee@crachin-concentrationnaires.com> )
Voici comme promis le fichier example Toute suggestion pour l'améliorer est la bienvenue, mais il arrete déjà pas mal de spam # ## ### 1. Defining some defaults won't kill and may prevent obvious mistakes ## # ## Where home is HOME=/homeguylhem/ ## Where main folder is MAILDIR=$HOME/mail ## Which file contains logs LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/log ## Where binaries are PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin SHELL=/bin/bash FORMAIL=/usr/bin/formail SPAMASSASSIN=$HOME/spamassassin/bin/spamassassin ## 512 kb buffer for mail body matching rules LINEBUF=512000 ## Stops if that file is created EMERGENCY_STOPFILE = $HOME/procmailrc.stop ## Enable debugging #VERBOSE=yes #LOGABSTRACT=yes # ## ### 2. Foolprof rules for when .procmailrc is being edited ## # ## Emergency brake : retry later; requeue :0 *$ $IS_EXIST $EMERGENCY_STOPFILE { EXITCODE = $EX_TEMPFAIL HOST = "_stopped_by_external_request_" } ## Backup everything :0 c: email-backup.full # ## ### 3. Trash directly ## # ## Obviously falsified :0 * ^From:.* guylhem@.* | ^From:.*@externe.net/dev/null ## Unstoppable :0 * ^From:.*noreply@jim.fr | ^From:.*gwm-general-bounces@gnu.org/dev/null ## Vacations :0 * ^Subject:.*Out of Office AutoReply /dev/null ## Errors :0 * ^From:.*(MAILER-DAEMON|mailer.daemon|postmaster|mail.delivery|system.administr ator) | * ^Subject:.*(mail.delivery|service.unavailable|delivery.failure|deliver y.failed|undeliverable|failure.notice|returned.mail|undelivered.mail|return.to.s ender|returned.to.sender|warning.*mail) /dev/null # ## ### 4. "virus" folder for viruses ## # ## Zip,exe,etc - put http://www.spamless.us/pub/procmail/virussnag.gz in mail/ MYVIRUS=$MAILDIR/virus INCLUDERC=virussnag161.rc ## Hidden frames :0: * HB ?? ^Content-Type:.*text/html * HB ?? iframe.*src=.*cid: virus # ## ### 5. Tag attachments ## # :0f * HB ?? ^content-disposition:.*attachment($|;| | ) * HB ?? ^content-.*filename="?\/[^";]+ * ^Subject:\/.* | $FORMAIL -I "Subject: [file] $MATCH" :0f * HB ?? ^content-type:.*multipart/ * HB ?? content-disposition:.*attachment($|;| | ) * ^Subject:\/.* | $FORMAIL -I "Subject: [file] $MATCH" # ## ### 6. "spam" folder for very suspicious messages ## # ## No message id :0: * !^Message-Id spam ## Null IP :0: * ^Received: .*\[(0)+\.(0)+\.(0)+\.(0)+\].* spam ## Pure html not coming from hotmail :0: * ^Content-type: text/html * !html; charset= * !from hotmail spam ## Trailing spaces :0: * ^Subject: .*[^ ].* .* spam # ## ### 7. Unless whitelist replies or tag >128k messages, spam test ## # ## Mark as big :0 fhw * > 128000 * ^Subject:\/.* | $FORMAIL -I "Subject: [>128k] $MATCH" ## Or spamtest if small and not whitelisted :0 E fw:spamassasin.lock * < 128000 * !^To:.*MONADRESSESECRETEQUEJEVIENSDEMASQUER | $SPAMASSASSIN # ## ### 8. Divert spam ## # ## Spam folder :0: * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes spam ## Ham folder #:0 E: #ham # ## ### 9. Don't let messages reach that failsafe rule ## # #:0: #email-backup.failsafe # ## ### 10. Mail uncaught will go into $DEFAULT or else in $ORGMAIL ## # Bien à vous - Best regards, Guylhem P. XXXX -- *@externe.net http://externe.net Périmé/Deprecated: @oeil.qc.ca, @metalab.unc.edu, @ibiblio.org, @7un.org GPG: 92EB37C1 DD11C9C9 20519D01 E8FA1B11 42975AF7 http://externe.net/pubkey
Description: PGP signature
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