(Courriels de diversion: <prelevera@selectionnerons-ebaucheront.com> <interpolatrice@sautee-tartares.com> <tempêteraient@contiguë-contractons.com> <remmena@eclaterions-eruditions.com> <secondaient@folioter-inventrices.com> <catalyserions@capitalisions-embourgeoisant.com> <insuffleriez@felicites-receptionnee.com> <syriennes@satisfaisons-convoierai.com> <sent@valorisiez-mastiquions.com> <soda@ridiculisant-federeras.com> )


Comment résoudre le problème:
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.

En étant logué en root, les lignes suivantes fonctionnent:

usr/bin/ps2pdf /var/spool/fax/docq/doc3.ps

/usr/bin/gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFi
le=/var/spool/fax/faxsend/fax.pdf /var/spool/fax/docq/doc22.ps

Par contre lorsqu'il est exécuté par le script notify.awk d'hylafax, j'ai le
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.

J'ai pensé que le script est lancé par le user "uucp" qui à son home dans
J'ai fait un lien symbolique uucp -> fax
Car le répertoire de travail d'hylafax est /var/spool/fax

Des recherches sur internet:
Unable to open the initial device, quitting
During initialization, ghostscript opens an output device. Typical output
devices include the display, a bitmap output device, a printer output device
or the PDF writer output device. This message occurs when the initial output
device can not be opened. Some possible reasons are:

    * The output filename is invalid. For example, filename not specified,
destination directory doesn't exist, illegal characters in the filename,
disk full.
    * Temporary files could not be created. The TEMP environment variable
can be used to specify the location for temporary files, and it must point
to a directory that exists, is writeable, and has free space. This applies
to the pdfwrite device.

Unknown device:
The device selected by -sDEVICE= does not exist. The device name may be
wrong, or it may not be included in your copy of ghostscript. Some
additional device can be added to ghostscript when it is compiled.

Je voudrais changer le répertoire temporaire de ghostscript pour
l'utilisateur uucp ou fax:

You can change in which directory Ghostscript creates temporary files by
setting the TMPDIR or TEMP environment variable to the name of the directory
you want used. Ghostscript currently doesn't do a very good job of deleting
temporary files if it exits because of an error; you may have to delete them
manually from time to time.

J'ai essayé:
export TMPDIR=/var/spool/uucp/tmp
sans résultat

Pourriez vous m'apporter votre aide ?

Nicolas M.

PS: version:

Les listes de diffusion occultes: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/listes/>