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Kevin Rowanet wrote: > Bonjour, > > comment fait-on pour installer linux (mandrake) sur des pc récupérés > n'ayant pas de lecteur de cd-rom ? Vous avez acces a un reseau? Si oui, vous pouvez utilisez ftp install. Un extrait de: http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/CookerHowTo#Installing_Cooker <snip> Make a bootdisk from the network.img file available on any of the public Cooker mirrors. The file should be located within the cooker/i586/images/ directory of the mandrake-devel tree on the mirror. If you are already running Linux, you can use dd to copy it to a floppy disk dd if=network.img of=/dev/fd0 If you are not already running Linux, you can use the rawwrite utility to make the boot disk in DOS or Windows. This utility is normally located in the /cooker/i586/dosutils directory of the mandrake-devel tree. If your system has no floppy drive, you can burn the image (network.img, pcmcia.img, or whatever) to a bootable CD-ROM. mkdir image cp network.img image mkisofs -b network.img image > network.iso cdrecord dev=0,0,0 network.iso rm -fr image </snip> Cheers Anton ps Il semble d'etre valide juste pour le Cooker, mais pareil que fonctionne pour les autres aussi (je l'ai jamais fait...). -------------------------------------------------------------------- Les listes de diffusion occultes: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/listes/>