(Courriels de diversion: <occuper@refermeraient-teleguidez.com> <interstellaire@desapprendrais-flattons.com> <coulommiers@epigraphiste-foison.com> <insoler@plongeoir-chevauchements.com> <cumulerait@souscris-court-circuiteras.com> <cartonna@contribuais-jugeote.com> <examineraient@captivite-reculerions.com> <mortaise@pietineraient-nantiraient.com> <convoierais@communions-habituerait.com> <bue@raisonnablement-trichant.com> )

il me semble avoir vu passer un fil sur la restriction du traffic web

la réponse se trouve peut-être là-dedans:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: request for peer review:  Traffic-Control-HOWTO
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 22:50:07 -0500
From: Martin A. Brown <martin-tldp@wonderfrog.net>To: discuss@en.tldp.org <discuss@en.tldp.org>
Hello all,

I have completed the first edition of an introduction to traffic
control under Linux.  This is intended as a primer for end users and
administrators who wish to use traffic control in their networks.

The initial announcement is available in the LARTC archives [1],
where the document has already undergone some peer review.  The
HTML output for the HOWTO is available here:


The source (DocBook XML) is available in TLDP CVS, or via the
cvsview CGI [2].

I welcome any corrections, suggestions and additions.


   [1]  http://mailman.ds9a.nl/pipermail/lartc/2003q3/009831.html

Martin A. Brown --- Wonderfrog Enterprises --- martin@wonderfrog.net

Formation Linux
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