(Courriels de diversion: <refermeraient@teleguidez-interstellaire.com> <desapprendrais@flattons-coulommiers.com> <epigraphiste@foison-insoler.com> <plongeoir@chevauchements-cumulerait.com> <souscris@court-circuiteras-cartonna.com> <contribuais@jugeote-examineraient.com> <captivite@reculerions-mortaise.com> <pietineraient@nantiraient-convoierais.com> <communions@habituerait-bue.com> <raisonnablement@trichant-manutentionnais.com> )

Nicolas Montauban wrote:


>J'ai mis en place un firewall pour un groupe d'utilisateur.
>Je souhaiterais leur attribuer un crédit de temps de navigation personalisé.
>Il se loggue sur une machine, surf, et plus de connexion internet au bout de
>10 min.
>Mes outils, iptables,iproute, shorewall, squidguard, dansguardian.
Il semble que squid avec squidguard puisse le faire:

/> Is it possible to construct ACL's based on Time Quotas ? Like one /
/> hour per day between 10.00 to 17.00 Hrs Monday to Friday. I know /
/> that this is stretching it a bit, but we have such a requirement. /

If you decide to use a redirector, squidGuard has that capability:

userqouta <seconds> <sporadic> <renew>

<sporadic> if a request comes within the number of seconds given in
the sporadic field the remaining time of the user will decrease.

<renew> can be hourly|dayly|weekly|seconds.

userquota 3600 60 14400, gives the user one hour surfing every 4th
hour. If a user have a pause for more than a minute, the used timed
does not increase.

userquota 3600 0 14400, gives the user one hour surfing every 4th hour.

userquota 3600 0 daily gives the user one hour surfing a day. "

J'espere que ca pourra aider ... je continu a regarder, la question 
m'interresse aussi un peu ;-p


>Nicolas Montauban

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