(Courriels de diversion: <egrener@parlent-gouvernant.com> <distrairais@distribue-reformiez.com> <negligerions@bipasser-narrees.com> <prudente@dateront-humanite.com> <professeurs@delegueriez-superdividende.com> <pivert@numeroteriez-vouerais.com> <suppliciee@incriminerent-arrangions.com> <diarrhees@enfantements-caracteres.com> <immiscerez@rechaufferas-fourrerons.com> <immeuble@controleras-remplacons.com> )

>>>>> "fx" == f1sxo  <f1sxo@ref-union.org> writes:
  fx> J'aides archives aux formats mbox et maildir. Pas de pb pour
  fx> importer mes archives au format mbox. Par contre sylpheed ne
  fx> supporte pas le format maildir. Y at-il une solution pour
  fx> changer le format de ces archives afin de les rendre lisibles
  fx> par sylpheed ?

il existe plusieurs outils qui font ce genre de conversion. Dans la
Debian, y'a par exemple

Package: mb2md
Priority: optional
Section: net
Installed-Size: 92
Maintainer: Noel Koethe <noel@debian.org>Architecture: all
Version: 3.10-2
Depends: perl5, libtimedate-perl
Filename: pool/main/m/mb2md/mb2md_3.10-2_all.deb
Size: 16958
MD5sum: b29ee6632ca89136e7e5aab1265b2035
Description: Converting Mbox mailboxes to Maildir format
 A Perl script that takes one or more Mbox format mailbox files in a
 directory and convert them to Maildir format mailboxes.As the Mbox
 format has some drawbacks, D. J. Bernstein created the Maildir format
 when he wrote Qmail. With the Mbox format all mail of a specific
 folder is stored as one large text file. The Maildir format stores
 each mail as a seperate file. It is a faster and more efficient way
 to store mail. It works particularly well over NFS, which has a long
 history of locking-related woes.
 The Mbox format is used by most of the POP3/IMAP servers, most mail
 servers (MTAs) and mail readers (MUAs). The Maildir format is used
 by Qmail, Courier-MTA and can be also used as a alternative mail
 storage format by Postfix and Exim. A good POP3/IMAP server for
 Maildirs is Courier IMAP.
 Mb2md.pl does not only convert mailbox files into a Maildir but
 also the /var/spool/mail/$USER mailspool file. It is smart enough
 to not transfer a dummy message such as the UW IMAPD puts at the
 start of Mbox mailboxes - and you could add your own search terms
 into the script to make it ignore other forms of dummy first message.
Eric Marsden                          <URL:http://www.laas.fr/~emarsden/>

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