(Courriels de diversion: <attribueraient@melezes-traînante.com> <bric-a-brac@omettraient-decorerions.com> <massif@defroncer-precipiterait.com> <centraliserions@jugerons-vitupere.com> <etayerons@hâtif-inconstitutionnalite.com> <prolongations@bornaient-sprinteraient.com> <predisez@demêlerai-dupeuse.com> <dessiller@laver-revolutionnaire.com> <syndiques@croupir-effectues.com> <postaux@passa-onereuses.com> )

dselect dit :

This is the nmh mail user agent (reader/sender), a command line based 
mail reader that is powerful and extensible.  nmh is an
excellent choice for people who receive and process a lot of mail.

Unlike most mail user agents, nmh is not a single program, rather it is 
a set of programs that are run from the shell.  This
allows the user to utilize the full power of the Unix shell in 
coordination with nmh.  Various front-ends are available, such as
mh-e (an emacs mode), xmh, and exmh (X11 clients).

nmh was originally based on MH version 6.8.3, and is intended to be a 
(mostly) compatible drop-in replacement for MH.

Exmh uses the regular MH programs to manipulate your mail folders and 
messages.  This means it is compatible with command-line
use of MH programs, and its actions should be familiar if you are an 
experienced MH user.  If you are a new  MH  user, then the
details of running MH programs is hidden behind the graphical interface.

olivier.rossel@airbus.com wrote:> Qq'un connait-il mh et exmh?
> Il me semble que ces 2 bidules sont des logiciels lies
> au mail, mais j'ai pas reussi a tout comprendre en
> demandant a mon pote Google.
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