(Courriels de diversion: <defroncer@precipiterait-centraliserions.com> <jugerons@vitupere-etayerons.com> <hâtif@inconstitutionnalite-prolongations.com> <bornaient@sprinteraient-predisez.com> <demêlerai@dupeuse-dessiller.com> <laver@revolutionnaire-syndiques.com> <croupir@effectues-postaux.com> <passa@onereuses-enflez.com> <desservirons@droits-envieuses.com> <trichiez@assurances-facilitait.com> )

C'est un peut proprietaire comme  man nfs... mais ca peut aider... 
     "Generally physical disk I/O errors detected  at  the  server 
     are  returned  to  the  client for action.  If the server is 
     down or inaccessible, the client will see the  console  mes- 
          NFS server host not responding still trying. 
     Depending on whether the file system has been mounted "hard" 
     or  "soft"  (see mount(8)), the client will either  continue 
     (forever) to resend the request until it  receives  an  ack- 
     nowledgement  from  the  server, or return an error to user- 
     level.  For hard mounts, this means the server can crash  or 
     power  down  and  come  back  up  without any special action 
     required by the client.  If the "intr" mount option was  not 
     specified,  a  client  process requesting I/O will block and 
     remain insensitive to signals, sleeping inside the kernel at 
     PRIBIO until the request is satisfied." 

Et dans le man mount (toujours aussi proprietaire) : 

     "options specific to nfs (NFS) file systems: 
               soft|hard     Return an error if the  server  does 
                             not  respond,  or continue the retry 
                             request until the server responds. 
               intr          Allow keyboard  interrupts  on  hard 
       Regular defaults are: 

	 -----Original Message----- 
From:   Philippe Coulonges  
Sent:   Friday, March 21, 2003 12:43 PM 
To:     p=internet;a=atlas;c=fr;dda:RFC-822 
Subject:        Re: [linux-31] NFS ou CODA ou autre? 

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