(Courriels de diversion: <tigresses@croupis-knickers.com> <entendrai@incrochetables-convoiterait.com> <vectoriels@cinquante-surbaisses.com> <alcooliseraient@particularisant-approvisionne.com> <pouviez@rafraîchissaient-accaparer.com> <traquaient@non-acceptation-tricentenaires.com> <reinventer@dresserez-dynamisons.com> <morfondrons@enchifrenees-carrelles.com> <insurger@regirez-chercheuses.com> <monta@quintuplaient-recouchant.com> )


Qqu'un a-t-il réussi  à faire fonctionner mrtg pour squid ?
J'ai consulté toutes les docs possibles (et les news) mais je but
toujours sur un message d'erreur :

2002-09-18 12:42:25 -- Started mrtg
2002-09-18 12:42:25 -- SNMP Error:
Received SNMP response with error code
  error status: noSuchName
  index 1 (OID:
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "adresse-ip-proxy" [adresse-ip-proxy].161)
                  community: "public"
                 request ID: 2076557730
                PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
                    timeout: 2s
                    retries: 5
                    backoff: 1)
 at /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/../lib/mrtg2/SNMP_util.pm line 450
2002-09-18 12:42:25 -- SNMPGET Problem for cacheHttpHits =
cacheClientHttpRequests on public@adresse-ip-proxy at ./mrtg line 1491
2002-09-18 12:42:25 -- WARNING: Expected a number but got ''
2002-09-18 12:42:25 -- WARNING: Expected a number but got ''
2002-09-18 12:42:25 -- SNMP Error:
Received SNMP response with error code
  error status: noSuchName
  index 1 (OID:
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "adresse-ip-proxy" [adresse-ip-proxy].161)
                  community: "public"
                 request ID: 2076557731
                PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
                    timeout: 2s
                    retries: 5
                    backoff: 1)
 at /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/../lib/mrtg2/SNMP_util.pm line 450
2002-09-18 12:42:25 -- SNMPGET Problem for cacheServerInKb =
cacheServerOutKb on public@adresse-ip-proxy at ./mrtg line 1491

Voici le contenu de mon fichier mrtgproxy.cfg que je lis avec la =
commande mrtg /var/www/html/mrtg/mrtgproxy.cfg :

LoadMIBS: /var/www/html/mrtg/mibsquid.txt
Language: French
# System: Serveur
# Description: Linux Serveur 2.4.18-6mdk #1 Fri Mar 15 02:59:08 CET 2002
# Contact: Root <root@localhost> (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.conf)# Location: Unknown (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.conf)
### Interface 2 >> Descr: 'eth0' | Name: '' | Ip: adresse-ip-proxy|=20
Target[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: =
cacheHttpHits&cacheClientHttpRequests:public@adresse-ip-proxySetEnv[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: MRTG_INT_IP=3D"adresse-ip-proxy" =
MaxBytes[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: 1250000
Title[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: HTTP Hits
PageTop[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: <H1>Proxy Cache Statistics: HTTP Hits / =
Suppress[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: y
LegendI[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: HTTP hits
LegendO[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: HTTP Requests
Legend1[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: HTTP hits
Legend2[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: HTTP Requests
YLegend[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: per minute
ShortLegend[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: req/min
Options[adresse-ip-proxy_1]: nopercent, perminute, dorelpercent
Target[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: =
cacheServerInKb&cacheServerOutKb:public@adresse-ip-proxyMaxBytes[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: 1250000
Title[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: Cache Server Traffic In / Out
PageTop[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: <H1>Cache Statistics: Server traffic volume
= (In/Out)</H1>
Suppress[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: y
LegendI[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: Traffic In
LegendO[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: Traffic out
Legend1[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: Traffic in
Legend2[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: Traffic Out
YLegend[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: Per Minute
ShortLegend[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: b/min
kMG[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: k,M,G,T
kilo[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: 1024
Options[adresse-ip-proxy_2]: nopercent, perminute

Le fichier mibsquid.txt contient les directives snmp pour squid.
Si qqu'un a une idée...

Frédéric a 

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