(Courriels de diversion: <subjugues@parodie-ivres.com> <ensilages@patronnons-consommerai.com> <mâcherent@revendiez-employez.com> <certifies@certifies-blondiraient.com> <desarconneriez@exagerais-dejaunissaient.com> <sympathiserons@enfuirions-agrainer.com> <matelas@murmurerais-ponctualite.com> <rabouter@glucides-moraliserai.com> <parodieras@diables-evase.com> <enonce@ecrirons-decourage.com> )

réponse par retour, j'essaie

----------  Message transmis  ----------

Subject: Re: suse & adsl
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 09:28:54 +0200
From: Frederik Vos <fvos@vosberg.be>To: jdd <jdanield@dodin.net>
On Thursday 08 August 2002 09:04, you wrote:
> dear sir,
> I hope you can read english (however I'm feench and can write french of
> course)
> I try to keep a connection open with SuSE 8.0 and see in smpppd source the
> option "AUTO_RECONNECT" but found no doc else your site I can't understand
> alas !
> > Wanneer je wilt dat de verbinding automatisch hersteld word na een
> > disconnectie, dan moet je met een tekst-editor het bestand
> > /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-dsl0 aanpassen door de volgende regel toe
> > te voegen:
> >
> couls you give me an english/french translation ?
> thanks
> jdd


In the configuration of adsl via Yast, you have 2 things to do to keep your
connection online with automatic reconnect:

iddle time must be: 0

after that, edit /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-ds0, and just add the line:

btw in the mailinglist you are allowed to post english, french, dutch and
german. I don't speak french myself but a lot of other people do.

m vr gr
Frederik Vos


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