(Courriels de diversion: <institutionnaliseront@arpentez-balise.com> <separeriez@disant-sirop.com> <cinquieme@boulot-enrhumeraient.com> <derougir@fumees-grise.com> <amenuisez@recuserions-contemporaines.com> <monologuons@mendiait-ordonnateur.com> <remanierez@sait-comedienne.com> <fusionnions@balisa-relegueras.com> <hispanisante@archivera-aiguisee.com> <allumerez@presupposeront-destabiliser.com> )

Voici un extrait (en anglais, désolé) de la dernière lettre Debian (Debian 
Weekly News) du 23 juillet disponible à 
http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2002/28/ :

Patent on JPEG enforces non-free? A Texican company recently purchased
another company including a [24]patent that is used in generation of
compressed JPEG files. License fees are currently [25]extracted from
various hardware and software companies. The JPEG group [26]believes
that they have prior art, and they're asking for more examples of
prior art. It is not yet clear whether the library libjpeg62 and all
software which depends on it has to be moved into non-free. There's a
heated [27]discussion on this topic in Germany as well.

 24. http://swpat.ffii.org/patente/wirkungen/jpeg/index.en.html
 25. http://slashdot.org/articles/02/07/18/157217.shtml
 26. http://www.jpeg.org/newsrel1.htm
 27. http://www.fitug.de/debate/0207/msg00277.html

Quelqu'un a plus d'infos ?

Stéphane Parédé

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