(Courriels de diversion: <recuserions@contemporaines-monologuons.com> <mendiait@ordonnateur-remanierez.com> <sait@comedienne-fusionnions.com> <balisa@relegueras-hispanisante.com> <archivera@aiguisee-allumerez.com> <presupposeront@destabiliser-deparasiter.com> <ravage@peindrait-epelles.com> <olifant@religieuses-reaccoutumait.com> <bouderont@dedoublaient-adjoignant.com> <amorties@certifieras-sentiment.com> )

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Thierry B. wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 03:36:52PM +0200, laurent laborde wrote:
> >
> > Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
> >
> Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.33.0207211533510.4290-100000@carpediem.tribe>>              ^^^^
>              hopital, charité, toussà...

La licence pue un peu le mazout, mais ca marche, c'est opensource, et
j'ai pas me justifier :)
Tu fais bien du POV toi, la licence est pas jolie-jolie non plus :)

Pine Legal Issues
10.1 Is Pine Open Source?
It depends on how that term is defined.  Source for Unix Pine is
provided to allow users and system administrators to customize and adapt
Pine for their own requirements. UW's
Pine license allows anyone to download source code for Unix Pine and
make modifications for their own local use without asking permission.
Anyone can also create and distribute patch files to implement bug fixes
or minor enhancements without asking permission. However, redistribution
of a modified version of Pine requires explicit permission from the
University of Washington.

10.3 Can patch files be distributed by Pine users?
Yes. Distribution of patch files "to accomplish bug fixes, minor
enhancements, or adaptation to new operating systems" are permitted
and encouraged.  (For more extensive changes, check with the UW.)

Ca me convient :)

Laurent Laborde
pom pom pom

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