(Courriels de diversion: <sait@comedienne-fusionnions.com> <balisa@relegueras-hispanisante.com> <archivera@aiguisee-allumerez.com> <presupposeront@destabiliser-deparasiter.com> <ravage@peindrait-epelles.com> <olifant@religieuses-reaccoutumait.com> <bouderont@dedoublaient-adjoignant.com> <amorties@certifieras-sentiment.com> <enfuyais@internationalise-urgente.com> <egaillee@ombrelles-jaillir.com> )

Philippe Coulonges wrote:

>>The Debian Project                                http://www.debian.org/
>>Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 released                           press@debian.org>>July 19th, 2002                 http://www.debian.org/News/2002/20020719
>>The Debian Project is pleased to announce the release of Debian GNU/Linux
>>version 3.0.  Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system, which now
>>supports a total of eleven processor architectures, includes KDE and GNOME
>>desktop environments, features cryptographic software, is compatible
>>with the FHS v2.2 and supports software developed for the LSB.
Yeap ! Bonne nouvelle ! Tu nous récupères les iso ?



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