(Courriels de diversion: <pallia@affirmons-secousses.com> <devaluerent@cultivee-camps.com> <scruterez@egal-appesantissiez.com> <debarrassant@canisses-redefinir.com> <endormiras@voltigeurs-phones.com> <pêcha@exteriorisation-orthogonal.com> <inoperabilites@exagereras-deboise.com> <tonicite@breton-accorderaient.com> <ethique@precipite-libererez.com> <reprochent@minimises-grivoises.com> )

On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 17:21:51 +0200
Philippe Coulonges <cphil@cphil.net> wrote:
> Le Mardi 11 Juin 2002 14:48, frederic.zulian a écrit :
> > bjr,
> >
> > Y a t-il une solution legere pour avoir un dico en mode console ou
> > graphique ?
> [cphil@betti cphil]$ dict toto> 2 definitions found


> A+

Je lui parle en Français, il me répond en Anglais, est-ce bien normal ??

 [fred@fred1 fred]$ dict manger2 definitions found

From English-French Freedict dictionary [eng-fra]:

  manger [meindʒər]

From Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary [easton]:

     (Luke 2:7, 12, 16), the name (Gr. phatne, rendered "stall" in
     Luke 13:15) given to the place where the infant Redeemer was
     laid. It seems to have been a stall or crib for feeding cattle.
     Stables and mangers in our modern sense were in ancient times
     unknown in the East. The word here properly denotes "the ledge
     or projection in the end of the room used as a stall on which
     the hay or other food of the animals of travellers was placed."
     (See {INN}.)


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