(Courriels de diversion: <climatisees@dialectes-haranguees.com> <touchees@inciterons-repertorieront.com> <electifs@guepards-reaffirmerai.com> <reniflerais@lierent-vivoterait.com> <insaisissable@jeunais-engouffrons.com> <metres@fourreurs-retardions.com> <epaula@violentees-combinais.com> <reinvesti@amadouerait-depeigne.com> <rodailler@agrement-crachez.com> <inexpliques@versees-recensera.com> )

de la part de FAVDB

attention au html....

----------  Message transmis  ----------
Subject: RE: [linux-31] Fwd: [suse-security] Nimda Worm - BugTraq
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 08:46:22 +0200
From: VAN DEN BUSSCHE FA PREF31 <FA.VAN-DEN-BUSSCHE@haute-garonne.pref.gouv.fr>To: "'jdd'" <jdanield@dodin.net>

Je ne peux toujours pas poster sur la liste donc je te réponds en direct. Tu
pourras ensuite poster sur la liste si tu veux.

Il est tout à fait possible de lancer des exécutions directement depuis un
client mail M$. Il faut constituer un enchaînement de procédure depuis du
code HTML du genre :
	- code HTML
	- code VBS
	->>> code exécutable soit directement, soit via le prochain reboot
(SYSTEM.INI, base de registre ou autre).

Les conséquences pour un système non W$ résultent de l'activité engendrée.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jdd [mailto:jdanield@dodin.net]> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 5:43 PM
> To: Liste linux-31
> Subject: [linux-31] Fwd: [suse-security] Nimda Worm - BugTraq
> ci-joint un message qui semble sérieux, en rapport avec le
> nouveau ver qui
> innonde le web en ce moment.
> le point important est que, d'après ce message, certaines
> versions d'internet
> explorer et donc de outlook/outlook express seraient capables
> de lancer
> _automatiquement_ un fichier attaché, dès l'ouverture du message.
> ceci est contraire à mes précédentes informations.
> Pouvez-vous me confirmer
> ce fait?
> (même si ce ver attaque windows, il aurait fait chuter un
> serveur apache par
> DOS)
> jdd
> ----------  Message transmis  ----------
> Subject: [suse-security] Nimda Worm - BugTraq
> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 10:01:31 -0400
> From: Sp0oKeR <spooker@bol.com.br>> To: suse-security@suse.com>
> Hey,
> We have been receiving reports of a new worm from a large
> number of users.
> Instead of deluging BUGTRAQ with traffic more appropriate for
> we are posting a summary of the worm and the vulnerabilities
> it exploits:
> A new worm named W32/Nimda-A (known aliases are Nimda,
> Minda, Concept V, Code Rainbow) began to proliferate the morning of
> September 18, 2001 on an extremely large scale that targets
> the Microsoft
> Windows platform.  It attempts to spread via three
> mechanisms; as an email
> attachment, a web defacement download, and through
> exploitation of known
> IIS vulnerabilities.  Collateral damage include network performance
> degradation due to high consumption of bandwidth during the
> propagation
> process.  There have been reports of Apache Servers being
> inadvertantly
> affected by Nimda by being subjected to a denial of service
> condition (the
> configuration of these servers is not known).
> This worm takes advantage of multiple vulnerabilities
> and backdoors.  The worm spreads via e-mail and the web.  Through the
> e-mail vector, the worm arrives in the users inbox as a message with a
> variable subject line.  The e-mail contains an attachment named
> 'readme.exe'. This worm formats the e-mail in such a way as to take
> advantage of a hole in older versions of Internet Explorer.  Outlook
> mail clients use the Internet Explorer libraries to display
> HTML e-mail,
> so by extension Outlook and Outlook Express are vulnerable as well, if
> Internet Explorer is vulnerable.  The hole allows the
> readme.exe program
> to execute automatically as soon as the e-mail is previewed or read.
> Once it has infected a new victim, it mails copies of itself to other
> potential victims, and begins scanning for vulnerable IIS Web servers.
> When scanning for vulnerable IIS servers, it attempts to exploit the
> Unicode hole (bid 1806) and the escaped characters decoding command
> execution vulnerability (bid 2708).  It also attempts to access
> the system via the root.exe backdoor left by Code Red II.  Once it
> finds a vulnerable IIS server, it installs itself in such a way that
> visitors to the now-infected web site will be sent a copy of a .eml
> file, which is a copy of the e-mail that gets sent.  If the victim is
> using Internet Explorer as their browser, and they are
> vulnerable to the
> hole, they will execute the readme.exe attachment in the same
> way as if
> they had viewed an infected e-mail message.
> Attack Data:
> Examination of the worm reveals the following attack strings
> used to exploit IIS Web servers.
> '/scripts/..%255c..'
> '/_vti_bin/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c..'
> '/_mem_bin/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c..'
> '/msadc/..%255c../..%255c../..%255c/..%c1%1c../..%c1%1c../..%'
> '/scripts/..%c1%1c..'
> '/scripts/..%c0%2f..'
> '/scripts/..%c0%af..'
> '/scripts/..%c1%9c..'
> '/scripts/..%%35%63..'
> '/scripts/..%%35c..'
> '/scripts/..%25%35%63..'
> '/scripts/..%252f..'
> To those strings are added /winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir
> Other attacks include:
> '/scripts/root.exe?/c+dir'
> '/MSADC/root.exe?/c+dir'
> It is believed that all of the vulnerabilities exploited by
> this worm are
> known.
> The links below provide fix information.  Administrators and users are
> advised to apply patches as soon as possible.  If further analysis
> concludes that other vulnerabilities are involved, updated information
> will be posted to the list.
> See:
> Bugtraq ID: 2524 / CVE ID: CAN-2001-0154
> Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-020
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/tec
> hnet/security/b
> ulletin/MS01-020.asp VulDB: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/2524
> Bugtraq ID: 2708 / CVE ID:  CAN-2001-0333
> Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-026
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/tec
> hnet/security/b
> ulletin/MS01-026.asp VulDB: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/2708
> Bugtraq ID: 1806 / CVE ID:  CVE-2000-0884
> Microsoft Security Bulletin MS00-078
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/tec
> hnet/security/b
> ulletin/MS00-078.asp http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/1806
> Microsoft IIS Lockdown Tool:
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/tec



Symantec W32.Nimda.A@mmhttp://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.nimda.a@mm.html
McAfee W32/Nimda@MMhttp://vil.nai.com/vil/virusSummary.asp?virus_k=99209

Sophos W32/Nimda-A

For discussion of infection or attack attempts, subscribe to the INCIDENTS
mailing list.  For discussion of the worm itself and others, FORENSICS and
FOCUS-VIRUS are more appropriate than BUGTRAQ.


Dave Ahmad
Security Focus


To unsubscribe, e-mail: suse-security-unsubscribe@suse.comFor additional commands, e-mail: suse-security-help@suse.com

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<http://www.dodin.net> <mailto:jdanield@dodin.net>WHO'S THAT GUY ? Help me found it
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Aide sur la liste: <URL:mailto:linux-31-help@CULTe.org>Le CULTe sur le web: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org/>