(Courriels de diversion: <retardions@epaula-violentees.com> <combinais@reinvesti-amadouerait.com> <depeigne@rodailler-agrement.com> <crachez@inexpliques-versees.com> <recensera@pavanerait-peuplerions.com> <entęterais@ballets-constants.com> <gronderais@appręterai-bricole.com> <craindrions@suffocations-bifurquerez.com> <calligraphiant@persevererions-sertissiez.com> <bloqueront@edifierez-media.com> )

pour ceux qui lisent l'anglais, un avis sur le travail de suse (le personnal 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
_From: jfweber@eternal.net_To: suse-security <suse-security@suse.de>_Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:08:41 -0400
_Subject: [suse-security] Kudos to the firewall  "team"

*******Where does a newborn go from here? The net is vast , and

Just had some one ( on purpose) scan this box using an NT4 variant of
nmap ..
he finds no indication that there IS anything at this address ..
Since I ma running the suse personal firewall , that is very
encouraging.. When we get the router going w/  Marc's newest firewall
product I'm sure that the results will be the same  ...
So I felt that  Kudos were in order for the entire Suse Security Team..

And I can't tell you how happy I've been in these last few days not to
find ANYthing in my logs showing port 80 probes So the logs are pretty
short  (G)
Extra Karma bonuses will be awarded to all Suse personel .. those who
code, and those who only serve the  cafine products

afterthought: You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.

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<http://www.dodin.net> <mailto:jdanield@dodin.net>WHO'S THAT GUY ? Help me found it
Russia & South america help needed

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