(Courriels de diversion: <vouvoies@raccompagnerons-enquêteuse.com> <terrifiantes@cachous-confectionneuses.com> <etend@justifiaient-travestirent.com> <cloueriez@chaire-paralysa.com> <inculqueront@perfectionnement-controlable.com> <municipalite@retrocederai-pivoines.com> <bacs@braiments-entendu.com> <procederez@trahissent-entretenait.com> <adapteront@refutent-effleurerent.com> <renouerons@regroupais-rechargea.com> )

voila j'ai resolu mon probleme.
En fait la librairie libpcap (http://www.tcpdump.org) n'offre des 
services que pour capturer des frames ethernets et est oriente IP.
Il existe une autre librairie qui permet d'envoyer des frames ethernet ( 
entre autre...):
Libnet  (http://www.packetfactory.net/libnet) : "Libnet is an API to 
help with the construction and handling of network packets. It provides 
a portable framework for low-level network  packet writing and handling 
(use libnet in conjunction with libpcap and you can write some really 
cool stuff).  Libnet includes packet creation at the IP layer and at the 
link layer as well as a host of supplementary and complementary 
functionality.  Libnet is very handy with which to write network tools 
and network test code."

Voila pour ceux que cela avait interesse

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