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As someone who understands homeopathy you may be interested in a new web
site by Dr Brian Kaplan, a medical doctor and internationally renowned
homeopath and teacher.

This fascinating site includes short articles about some of the pioneers of
homeopathy in Britain. First up is the man who brought homeopathy to the UK,
Frederick Foster Hervey Quin. Doctor, maverick, gentleman, raconteur,
homeopath and great wit, Quin is one of Britain's forgotten heroes.

Dr Kaplan is also author of The Homeopathic Conversation and a tireless
explorer of the crucial role of communication between patient and therapist.

In Significant Moments, Dr Kaplan offers real life examples of diagnostic
breakthroughs and invites others to contribute. Even the role of non-verbal
communication is weighed and assessed in a thought-provoking article on the
place of Art Therapy as a diagnostic tool.

Follow this link http://www.homeopathy-homeopath.co.uk for a refreshing new
look at Homeopathy.

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