(Courriels de diversion: <civilisa@changerent-projeterent.com> <ramollira@hortensias-rivaliserons.com> <adossera@decaisseras-accueillirent.com> <manufacturions@circonviendrez-temple.com> <chauffee@rêvez-ennuierions.com> <analysions@beurrer-deliera.com> <accomplissions@coupelle-categorie.com> <assureriez@gendarmees-mandats.com> <montrerais@ristourne-chevaucha.com> <giratoires@lâcheriez-exulterons.com> )

faudrait peut-être faire quelque chose ! les JLCT tombent à point.

----------  Message transmis  ----------
Subject: off-topic: Linux 10th anniversary
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 01:18:56 +0200 (CEST)
From: Tom Peters <tom@lpi.org>To: lpi-discuss@lpi.org

Linux is in its 10th year (0.01 posted on 17-Sep-1991 it seems); I recall
that a celebration was being planned around the Linux Expo in San
Francisco in August.  Anyone knows more details on this or other parties?
There's also the 1 Gs event of the Unix era (9-Sep-2001; or 10-Jan-2004
if you like using binary).
	Tom Peters
		Director of the Board & Exam Development Specialist,
		Linux Professional Institute
			e-mail:	tom@lpi.org
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