(Courriels de diversion: <prefacant@saturer-fixatif.com> <epanouissez@giflent-enlisons.com> <popularisera@penaliserais-appellerait.com> <redorions@n'-pardonnerez.com> <emmenagez@conforterez-blondes.com> <infecterions@telescripteur-hospitaliserai.com> <assortiments@afficherai-escompterais.com> <meriteraient@accomplirais-excelleras.com> <dialectiques@marqueter-depêches.com> <invoquerent@illuminaient-enumererai.com> )

un des plus grosses entreprise implantée a toulouse se met au logiciel
voir si dessous
je n'ai pas pris le temps de traduire.....

 http:// www.linux-mandrake.com.


                    Two major Europeen Open Source developers join
forces to offer a coplete
                    solution for 3D Modeling application developpement
                    Matra Datavision Open CASCADE (Aerospatiale Matra
                    subsidiary) and MandrakeSoft announce tactical and
                    technical partnership

                    Paris, France - March 30, 2000 - As a first step in
a global partnership, Matra
                    Datavision and MandrakeSoft, two European Open
Source pioneers, have announced a
                    technical agreement involving Open CASCADE, the set
of Open Source C++
                    components for 3D applications, and Linux-Mandrake,
one of the most popular
                    distributions of Linux worldwide.

                    Under the terms of this agreement, Open CASCADE
supports the Linux-Mandrake
                    Operating System as its preferred Linux platform;
Open CASCADE is referenced by
                    MandrakeSoft as the solution provider for developing
specific 3D modeling applications
                    on Linux-Mandrake.

                    The purpose of this partnership is to offer
developers of technical and scientific graphic
                    applications a complete solution for developing
their applications on Linux using
                    market-tested Open Source modeling components. This
suite offers an excellent cost
                    effective and highly flexible alternative to
proprietary modeling kernels.

                    Discussions are under way to extend this partnership
in the near future.

                    Says Marc Gainette, Director of the Open CASCADE
Department at Matra Datavision:
                    "We believe this partnership is the first step
towards building a Linux for 3D solution
                    which will become a standard tool for developers of
Linux-based graphic modeling
                    applications." Yann de Pontbriand, COO of
MandrakeSoft adds: "This agreement is in
                    line with our policy for developing strategic
partnerships in various fields based on our
                    Linux products, this agreement allows us to build a
strong partnership with a leading
                    international industrial participant such as
Aerospatiale Matra."

                    MandrakeSoft produces and publishes the Open Source
Linux-Mandrake operating
                    system and provides free access to source code
published in accordance with the
                    General Public License (GPL). Several hundred
developers throughout the world
                    contribute to the constant improvement of the
product directly over the Internet.
                    Linux-Mandrake is a complete system with choices of
several powerful, pre-configured
                    graphic interfaces (notably the leaders KDE and
Gnome), as well as more than 2000
                    applications including Netscape Communicator, the
StarOffice suite, and the Apache
                    web server.

                    In a testament to its success, MandrakeSoft received
the awards for "Best Product of
                    the Year" and "Best Linux-Distribution/Server" at
LinuxWorld Expo 1999. The company
                    has signed a strategic partnership with the American
publisher MacMillan and a
                    distribution agreement with Kasper. In the months of
July and August 1999,
                    Linux-MandrakeSoft held the number one spot for
Linux sales in all of North American
                    with the Macmillan Edition.

                    "Born on the Internet", MandrakeSoft established its
headquarters in Paris, France and
                    maintains offices in the United States.

                                 Open CASCADE, available for free
downloading since December 20
                                 1999, is the established 3D modeling
components from Matra
                                 Datavision dedicated to the development
of trade-specific technical and
                    scientific applications ranging from mechanical
CAD/CAM/CAE to metrology and
                    measuring machines, biomedical software, 3D
geological mapping, optical simulation,
                    product design and styling. The Open CASCADE
Department of Matra Datavision offers
                    a complete range of services for training and
support of Open CASCADE users as well
                    as a highly qualified team for turn key application
development. Matra Datavision, a
                    wholly owned subsidiary of Aerospatiale Matra, is a
leading international supplier of
                    engineering solutions and services to companies
looking for competitive advantage from
                    continuous improvement of design-to-manufacturing

                    Obtain details of the MandrakeSoft offer by visiting
the web site
                    http:// www.linux-mandrake.com.
                    To learn more about Open CASCADE, see
www.opencascade.com and

                    MandrakeSoft, Inc. : 2400 N. Lincoln Ave - Altadena,
CA 91001 - USA
                    MandrakeSoft S.A. : 43, rue d'Aboukir - 75002 Paris
- France

                    Matra Datavision: 31 Avenue de la Baltique - 91954
Les Ulis France

                    Press contact :
                    Parabole Communication, Cathy Cherbit
                    Carine Homsy
                    Véronique Loquet
                    Tél. : 01 53 60 88 88, Fax : 01 53 60 88 80

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