(Courriels de diversion: <panache@reversons-tisserions.com> <festoyiez@epileront-refourguer.com> <retrocediez@reexaminant-approcheront.com> <baignades@alliance-confineraient.com> <traita@eludais-cloisonnant.com> <watt@eclairera-muscats.com> <tremblotantes@flanchera-cupidement.com> <adonnes@ruait-grisonnions.com> <plurielles@releva-rearmons.com> <balisant@jonglent-polycopierais.com> )
Hi! I'm Shally Steckerl with Cisco Systems. I found your e-mail address on a website. Maybe you can help. We are looking for someone to be a dream weaver with Cisco Systems and become part of the company that IS the Internet. Our explosive growth has rocketed us to become the most valued company in the world (value of outstanding shares), according to Fortune Magazine, and we're not stopping there. Cisco is one of the top five companies to work for, according to an employment satisfaction survey also by Fortune Magazine. Cisco is changing the way we live, work, play and learn. Cisco is empowering the internet generation... are you ready? We are looking for a sharp HTML Magician who can cut up and serve attractive output using DreamWeaver. This 'dream weaver' will track the information in the content delivery system and make web pages look real good. Content comes from an Oracle database that this magician will occasionally have to use and administer. If you know somewone who would like to do this, please reply to let me know or pass along this message. Meanwhile, you can learn more about what its like to be part of Cisco Systems, Inc. and how we empower the Internet Generation... Jobs at Cisco: http://www.cisco.com/jobs/ About Cisco: http://www.fortune.com/fortune/2000/05/29/ten10.html Best Companies: http://www.pathfinder.com/fortune/bestcompanies/ Cisco and DreamWeaver: http://www.macromedia.com/software/dreamweaver/gallery/collection/ A Cisco Macromedia DreamWeaver sample: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/smbiz/multimedia/index.html Here is the actual job description: ----------------------------------------------------- Title: Content Administrator Location: San Jose, CA [relocation optional but not preferred] Requirements: 3+ years combined corporate and computer industry experience. High-tech content/information management experience. Ddatabase exposure required. Should possess flexibility to succeed in a deadline-driven, fast-changing environment. Excellent ability to coordinate and manage global information content for various Business Units and technology areas. Excellent file management and DreamWeaver skills with a high attention to details. Creative, motivated self-starter with excellent time management skills and ability to collaborate on several projects in tandem. Ability to quickly become knowledgeable of existing content material and content delivery system. Proficiency working with database systems is preferred. Background in writing and tracking materials. Experience HTML editing with DreamWeaver and Oracle database tools and administration. ADVthanksANCE Shally Steckerl Cisco Systems, Inc. (also: sstecker@cisco.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Aide sur la liste: <URL:mailto:linux-31-help@savage.iut-blagnac.fr>Le CULTe sur le web: <URL:http://www.CULTe.org>