(Courriels de diversion: <geriez@exproprie-t-shirt.com> <concretiseront@defraīchirent-decantant.com> <evenement@sot-indemnite.com> <revigorent@panache-reversons.com> <tisserions@festoyiez-epileront.com> <refourguer@retrocediez-reexaminant.com> <approcheront@baignades-alliance.com> <confineraient@traita-eludais.com> <cloisonnant@watt-eclairera.com> <muscats@tremblotantes-flanchera.com> )
------- Start of forwarded message ------- Message-Id: <200004271344.PAA03006@mail.ltt.de>Date: Thu, 27 Apr 00 15:46:36 -0000 From: G=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=f6ran_Gutberlet?= <gutberlet@ltt.de>To: <culte@savage.iut-blagnac.fr>Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Subject: [culte] Linux@work - Call for Participation Dear Mr. Chafai, ** This message has been resent due to prior mail server problems. Please ignore it if you have received it already ** LogOn is cordially inviting you to attend "Linux@work" in Paris, a one-day conference and exhibition on Linux for business on May 16. ++ The conference and exhibits are at no cost -- open to all. ++ The day has been designed to help IT professionals evaluate and/or implement Linux in their businesses. The full conference program is available at: http://www.ltt.de/linux/par_00.html If you wish to attend, simply fill in the registration form you'll find on the Web. We'll send you your free ticket. The event is sponsored by Compaq, Connectus, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Informix Software,Inprise, Intel, Linuxcare, Lotus Development, Mission Critical Linux, Omnis Software, Oracle, SCO, SGI, Silicon Graphics, SuSE, Sybase and VMware. The keynote presentation will be given by the Free Software Foundation. ** Please distribute this call for participation as you see proper.** Best Regards, Goeran Gutberlet LogOn ------- End of forwarded message ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Aide sur la liste: <URL:mailto:linux-31-help@savage.iut-blagnac.fr>Le CULTe sur le web: <URL:http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/>