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Dear Sir/Madam, 

We are pleased to announce a revolutionary breakthrough in mattress quality. 
Sleepless nights in strange hotel beds will be a thing of the past. 
The SETYMAT mattress allows you to control exactly how firm or soft you want 
your mattress to be, depending on your personal preference or what you are 
used to at home. 
The firmness of the mattress can be easily set at the push of a button without 
requiring the user to even get up. 
The benefits of the SETYMAT mattress are clear. 
Beds in hotels, hospitals and even on ships and trains can instantly be adapted 
to ensure maximum comfort. 
When making arrangements to stay away from home, your choice of location 
equipped with a SETYMAT mattress will ensure a more pleasant and comfortable 
stay. The SETYMAT mattress is a standard spring mattress. However, the 
introduction of new technology means that it is possible to adjust the springs, 
thus regulating the firmness of the mattress. 
Futher details about the SETYMAT mattresses can be found at www.setyormat.com 

Sincerely Yours J.Vrtel - Managing Director

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