(Courriels de diversion: <allecherions@resoudrai-vaqueront.com> <confierais@manifestez-gueule.com> <residerez@gereras-maintient.com> <empoche@dechiffrerez-delasserez.com> <ecumaient@capsule-renovateur.com> <egorgera@reactiveraient-expliquerait.com> <saphir@institueraient-croustillaient.com> <tresserent@subjuguerent-rehabituaient.com> <multimillionnaire@recevrez-traversa.com> <degeleront@ehontes-comporte.com> )
pour info... icewalker est un site du genre de freshmeat, mais semble-t-il moins connu. Il propose de s'inscrire à une liste d'annonces des nouveautés (attention, quotidienne!) dont un exemple est ci-joint. ---------- Message transmis ---------- Subject: News From the Walk Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 05:55:24 +0100 (MET) From: IceWalkers <newsbot@icewalkers.com> ICEWALKERS.COM, News from the Walk, December 22, 1999. Hello, Here is the list of the annoucements made on http://www.IceWalkers.com in the last 24 hours: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o MOONSHINE 0.9.7 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Moonshine is an application development tool for Linux that supports a wide varity of languages. It is designed in a modular fashion so that specific language support is not built directly into the application but into modules. The application provides a graphical file viewer, a configurable text editor, and a help engine. The individual modules provide icons, menus, help files, context highlighting rules for text, and utilities specific to the module. LICENSE: Open Source CATEGORY: Development / Language / IDE URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00506.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o MANDRAKE 7.0-BETA [ **** ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux-Mandrake is a new Linux Distribution which provides ease of use for both home and office, and solidity. Mandrake is the friendly Linux Operating System. It is freely available in many languages, all over the world. LICENSE: Open Source CATEGORY: Misc / Distributions / Main URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00353.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o EUCALYPTUS 0.1.5 [ **** ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Eucalyptus is an advanced MIME-compliant email application. Supports unlimited folders, addresses, filters, external and internal viewing of most media types, multiple POP servers, and more. Previously available for the Amiga, it is being totally rewritten for Linux using Gnome/GTK+. LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: X11 / GNOME / Networking URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00489.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o GTKDIFF 1.0.2 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gtkdiff is a diff front-end program using GTK+(GNOME). LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: X11 / Files / Misc URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00783.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o MINICOM 1.83 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Minicom is a serial communication program. It is a *nix clone of the well-known SMDOS Telix program. It has ANSI color, dialing directory, dial-a-list, script language etc. LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: Console / Utilities / Communication URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00782.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o GBOX_APPLET 0.3.0 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gbox_applet is a mbox file watcher. You can add as many mailboxes as you wish. For each mailbox you can define a separate interval for checking. Each mailbox belongs to a priority class between 0 and 2. For all 3 priority classes a different icon can be choosen. LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: X11 / GNOME / Networking URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00598.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o PGP4PINE 3.2 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Script that automaticly encrypts/decrypts mail under PINE using PGP. User is not separated from things that PGP do. Program knows PGP versions 2.6.3, 5.0, 6.5.1 and GNUPG 1.0. It has support for aliases file and for signature rotating programs. It can remember your passphrase for a session if you need. RPMs are also avaliable (with some latency) LICENSE: Free to use but restricted CATEGORY: Console / Utilities / Encryption URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00515.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o TXT2PDF 3.0 [ ***** ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Txt2pdf is a very flexible and powerful PERL5 program (5 penguins at LinuxBerg). It's a converter from text files to PDF format files. Why do you need txt2pdf? Most of your documents are text files Usually, your reports from legacy applications, DBs, ERP applications, datawarehouse are textual txt2pdf is a native converter, you don't need to pass through PostScript format LICENSE: Shareware CATEGORY: Console / Utilities / Text URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00722.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o RAMP MUSIC PLAYER 0.8 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ramp Music Player is a console front-end to mpg123 that revolves around creating a vast, dynamically searchable and modifiable library of songs as opposed to a single playlist conglomerate of all styles. LICENSE: Public Domain CATEGORY: Console / Audio / MP3 URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00607.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o VER 1.2.57 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Structural Verilog compiler for UN*X operating systems. Some synthesizable behavioral constructs are now supported. An event simulator (vsim) is included for testing of logic designs. A cycle simulation compiler (cyco/csim) is included which can compile netlists into fast levelized C code. Cyco can also generate ABEL netlists that may be used for FPGA generation. GTKWave, a fully-featured wave viewer is quite functional now. (requires GTK+-1.2.0 or greater) LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: Console / Applications / Scientific URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00745.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o ETERM 0.8.10-4 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Eterm is a color vt102 terminal emulator intended as a replacement for xterm. It is designed with a Freedom of Choice philosophy, leaving as much power, flexibility, and freedom as possible in the hands of the user. It is designed to look good and work well, but takes a feature-rich approach rather than one of minimalism while still maintaining speed and efficiency. LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: X11 / Utilities / Misc URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00781.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o GNOME-DB 0.0.90 [ ***** ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GNOME-DB is a complete suite of libraries/applications that allow an easy access to a wide range of database systems by making use of the capabilities provided by CORBA for communication between separated modules. The CORBA implementation used by GNOME-DB is ORBit, the GNOME Project's ORB. LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: X11 / GNOME / Development URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00646.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o BALSA 0.6.0 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Balsa is an email client for GNOME. It supports POP3, IMAP, local folders, and goodies like multithreading. This release is very heavily reworked since the last one and is quite stable LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: X11 / GNOME / Networking URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00780.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o IRSSI 0.7.21 [ **** ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Irssi is an IRC client made with GTK+ toolkit and (optional) GNOME libraries. A small text mode version is also available. LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: X11 / Networking / IRC URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00551.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o PYSOL 3.10 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PySol is a solitaire card game. Its features include support for more than 40 different games, very nice look and feel, multiple cardsets and backgrounds, unlimited undo and redo, load and save games, player statistics, hint system, demo games, support for user written plug-ins, integrated HTML help browser, and it's free Open Source software. LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: X11 / Games / Cards URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00232.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o WWWDB 0.0.5 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WWWdb is a front-end to database-tables, which allows you to browse them or to insert, update and delete data. You have the possibility to layout your input-forms, so they look nice and the users are satisfied with them. To protect your data from being inconsistent you can plug in Perl-Scripts for checking and changing input-fields in a very flexible way. LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: Development / Web / Database URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00608.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o USBVIEW 0.6.0 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USBView is a GTK program that displays the topography of the devices that are plugged into the USB bus on a Linux machine. It also displays information on each of the devices. This can be useful to determine if a device is working properly or not. LICENSE: GPL CATEGORY: X11 / System / Hardware URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00500.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o XDBM 0.9.10 [ NOT RATED ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XDBM is an XML Database Manager. That is, it is an embedded database that you can include in your own software. It is not an enormous Oracle 8i style database server, it allows individual programmes to more easily use the XML files they produce. LICENSE: Open Source CATEGORY: Development / Web / Database URL: http://www.icewalk.com/softlib/app/app_00657.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 ANNOUNCEMENT(S) IN TOTAL. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The NewsLetter Bot, newsbot@icewalkers.com,http://www.icewalkers.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To Unsubscribe, please go to http://www.icewalk.com/mlist.php3 ------------------------------------------------------- -- Linux hp-41 APTEP SF http://perso.club-internet.fr/jdanield jdanield@club-internet.fr - jdanield@www.linux-france.org --------------------------------------------------------------------- Aide sur la liste: <URL:mailto:linux-31-help@savage.iut-blagnac.fr>Le CULTe sur le web: <URL:http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/>