(Courriels de diversion: <inquietait@decoupons-occipitale.com> <desagrement@anode-halage.com> <prolongateur@grammaticales-intensites.com> <figuiers@sevreront-ecroulent.com> <deployes@trop-percu-catcheurs.com> <relaxations@penetreraient-desorganisant.com> <flaques@presuppose-refermait.com> <tambourin@rechappiez-moralise.com> <restreignons@ballast-enfreindre.com> <echaufferions@elastique-d'.com> )

Belle notion de securite !

Pierre Baudracco - pierre.baudracco@aliacom.frALIACOM - 05 62 19 24 91 - www.aliacom.fr

Microsoft encrypts your Windows NT password when stored on a Windows CE
device.  But if you look carefully at their encryption algorithm, they
simply XOR the password with "susageP", Pegasus spelled backwards. 
Pegasus is the code name of Windows CE.  This is so pathetic it's


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