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pour récupérer la dernière version de lyx

----------  Message transmis  ----------
Subject: Re: RPMs of new prerelease (LyX-1.0.4pre6)
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 10:55:20 -0700
From: "Kayvan A. Sylvan" <kayvan@sylvan.com>

On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 05:50:03PM +0000, Julián Muñoz Domínguez wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Aug 1999, Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
> > > ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/stable/lyx-1.0.4pre6.tar.gz
> > > ftp://ftp.devel.lyx.org/pub/lyx/lyx-1.0.4pre6.tar.gz
> > > ftp://la1ad.uio.no/pub/lyx/lyx-1.0.4pre6.tar.gz
> > 
> > The Redhat 6.0 RPMs of the new pre-release have been uploaded to
> > ftp://ftp.devel.lyx.org/pub/incoming
> This directory is empty.

No, it's just unreadable. I don't have any way to move the RPMs into publicly
available areas of the LyX website or ftp site.

Meanwhile, you could try doing an ftp get with the full pathnames:


This might work.

> > The various RPMs can also be found on my site (ftp://ftp.sylvan.com/pub/lyx)
> > until they get moved to the right area on the LyX servers.
> Uhm, to far for me ...
> > P.S. Anyone who can make RPMs for other verious of Redhat, please do so and
> > get back to me! Thanks!
> Have you put the source rpm ??

Yes. Everything is there.

Kayvan Aghaiepour Sylvan  | Proud husband of      | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.   | Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89)
http://sylvan.com/~kayvan |                       | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)
Linux hp-41 APTEP SF
jdanield@club-internet.fr - jdanield@www.linux-france.org
  Le CULTe sur le ouebe: http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/