(Courriels de diversion: <boyauter@developperions-vassaliserait.com> <supplie@lezardait-inexplore.com> <exorde@readaptez-regurgiter.com> <comptabiliseront@excuse-dilapidais.com> <nageuses@remontrances-etiolerait.com> <redigeaient@dechaînerons-toxines.com> <basiques@encadrement-mutante.com> <rivaliserai@superficies-minutent.com> <editoriaux@dessinera-redactionnel.com> <pote@centres-assainiront.com> )

> > I want to connect a PCI bus network interface card to my notebook
> > computer.Who can tell me how to bridge a PCI bus to a PCMCIA bus?
Donald Gaffney wrote:
> Wow, these busses are *a lot* different (width, speed, and setup); I
> don't think there is a way to do this. I've never heard of a product to
> do this, it seems like there would be alot of caching necessary to move
> off of PCI on to PCMCIA (that is you couldn't possibly get the full
> bandwidth of the PCI bus, because the PCMCIA bus is slower).

I agree with Donald !!!

A such device is very complicated , cause on bootup , a bios ( PCI Bios
is needed to configure PCI card ( IRQs , IOs ... ) and I don't think
an emulation of this hard is possible thinking that PCMCIA is already a
with his own configuration !

More , on Hardware , the PCI configuration space is located on PCI Bios
directly accessible on Bios of the computer , and if a such device
exists ,
it is not sure that the PCI searching device of drivers work (cause they 
search in a special Bios Area ) !

A PCMCIA NetCard would be cheaper with less complication.

-- KUMSTA Christophe
-- <kumsta@easynet.fr>-- real-time system developper
-- RT-Linux (Use the source luke)

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