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On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Jerome Gasperi wrote: > > Bonjour, > > Y a t'il un equivalent de printf en perl? > Je veux que 6.9999678 soit approxime comme 7.0 par exemple > Comment faire simplement? > Pour faire de joli fiches : man perlform gmmpc1:~> cat /tmp/es.pl format STDOUT = NOMBRE @#.# $a . $a = 6.999; write ; $a = 18.9999; write; gmmpc1:~> perl /tmp/es.pl NOMBRE 7.0 NOMBRE 19.0 Sinon, tout simplement : man perlfunc printf FORMAT, LIST Equivalent to print FILEHANDLE sprintf(FORMAT, LIST). The first argument of the list will be interpreted as the printf format. If use locale is in effect, the character used for the decimal point in formatted real numbers is affected by the LC_NUMERIC locale. See the perllocale manpage. Don't fall into the trap of using a printf() when a simple print() would do. The print() is more efficient, and less error prone. gmmpc1:~> cat /tmp/es.pl $a = 6.999; printf "NOMBRE (printf) %.1f\n", $a; $a = 108.9871; printf "NOMBRE (printf) %.1f\n", $a; gmmpc1:~> perl /tmp/es.pl NOMBRE (printf) 7.0 NOMBRE (printf) 109.0 | `""' | Xavier Montagutelli 0--0 | ---------oOOo---()---oOOo---------- | INSA Toulouse - Dpt de Mathematiques Tel: +33 5 61 55 93 38 (HB) | Complexe scientifique de Rangueil Fax: +33 5 61 55 93 20 | 31077 Toulouse Cedex Mel: montagut@gmm.insa-tlse.fr _______________________________________________________________________ Le CULTe sur le ouebe: http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/