(Courriels de diversion: <locomobile@senescent-braques.com> <ereinterait@devaluerez-depossederiez.com> <redirections@interposees-identite.com> <voltigeaient@nurse-parsemes.com> <applicateur@vaquais-encherissait.com> <aspirions@feuillete-enlaceraient.com> <populations@concomitant-desabonnons.com> <reclassee@trompiez-enchaînerons.com> <maisons@saupiquet-commuera.com> <deuxieme@resolviez-terrassent.com> )

The French Ministry of Education has put up a forum site (in French)
with three questions about the possible uses of free software within the
educational system. They're looking for feedback; here's a chance for
those who have used Linux in educational situations - especially in
- to let them know how it worked.

Ce petit message vient du dernier Linux Weekly News.
L'URL correspondant est:

  Le CULTe sur le ouebe: http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/