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as Microsoft has announced that Windows NT
5.0 will now be named Windows 2000 -- effective immediately.

Along with the announcement of the new name, Microsoft officially announced
that Windows NT would be the basis for all future operating system products,
and also announced an additional version.

Here are the new names, how they translate to the former names, and a
description of the new version:

- Windows 2000 Professional (formerly Windows NT Workstation 5.0) - will be
the Microsoft mainstream desktop operating system for businesses of all
sizes, will have enhanced features for mobile users, high security, and
better performance with up to two-way SMP where needed.

- Windows 2000 Server (formerly Windows NT Server 5.0) - Ideal for small to
medium-sized business application deployments, Web servers, workgroups and
branch offices, this version of Windows NT 2000 is expected to be the most
popular version.  Existing Windows NT Server 4.0 operating systems with up
to four-way SMP will be able to upgrade to this version.

- Windows 2000 Advanced Server (formerly Windows  NT Server 5.0 Enterprise
Edition) will be a more powerful departmental and application server, and
will also provide rich NOS and Internet services.  Supporting systems with
up to four-way SMP, this new product will be ideal for database-intensive
work and integrates clustering and load-balancing support to provide high
system and application availability.  Existing Windows NT Server 4.0
Enterprise Edition Servers with up to eight-way SMP will be able to install
this version, which is expected to be priced below today's Windows NT Server
Enterprise Edition.

- Windows 2000 Datacenter Server (new) will be the most powerful and
functional server operating system ever offered by Microsoft.  It will
support up to 16-way SMP and up to 64 GB of physical memory (depending on
system architecture).  Like Windows 2000 Advanced Server, it will provide
both clustering and load-balancing services as standard features.  It will
be optimized for large data warehouses, econometric analysis, large-scale
simulations in science and engineering, OLTP, and server consolidation

Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98 are not affected by this change, and will
retain their current names.
(hp41, LINUX, science-fiction, professeurs de technologie)
jdanield@club-internet.fr, jdanield@usa.net

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