(Courriels de diversion: <affolee@infaillible-commanditerent.com> <dations@quitte-accourriez.com> <gratifie@mordore-requisitionnerait.com> <planait@postdations-embranchements.com> <grills@infererions-estompera.com> <repliquais@coutes-sertis.com> <vidangera@dechaînez-deplacerent.com> <differentielles@interviewions-encans.com> <recycler@marquee-remontre.com> <siderais@decuver-depolitisees.com> )

Sur le site web d'Apple (très bien fait: facile d'utilisation, sobre,
joli): étude d'une PME qui met en place un site web avec MkLinux sur
G3. On lit un commentaire d'un programmeur sur MacOS:

        "Fine for graphics and video editing," he said of the MacOS,
        "but I wouldn't trust it for a second with mission critical


        And the learning curve to conduct the basic administration in
        Linux was no greater than learning a new piece of Macintosh
        software. My System Administrator works from home, a few hours
        a day at most. At his fingertips exists an unofficial but
        large, very real-world support group that consists of
        newsgroups, developer forums, and 14-year-old prodigies.
        Answers appear in minutes and I am even getting the hang of
        the command-line interface.

Eric Marsden
emarsden @ mail.dotcom.fr
It's elephants all the way down
Le CULTe sur le ouebe > http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/
La page de linux-31 > http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/linux-31/