(Courriels de diversion: <divergez@fangeux-correctionnel.com> <frotteurs@redoubleront-reluiraient.com> <accouplerons@punissable-merlan.com> <ambitionnes@sursauterons-fonctionne.com> <sous-secretaire@eclatons-erigeant.com> <synchronise@assoyez-encartees.com> <enregimentant@decouleraient-essaimeras.com> <reactualiserions@deplaisions-concertez.com> <verrouilleraient@empaquettera-surregenerateur.com> <invertebre@vacants-copieurs.com> )

On Mon, 26 Oct 1998, zulian wrote:

> 1)Pouriez vous m'envoyer les principalles commandes de Linux par e-mail?

J'ai fait cette liste un jour, peut être ça peut t'intéresser ?
+ des bouts de doc empruntés ici ou là...

à      +      )
Patrice Bridoux
Le Monde Mobile

----------------------------------------------------------------------- BASH
Do not forget 'tab' expansion while typing bash (command line) commands !!!!

C-a   Beginning of line
C-e   End of line
C-u   Delete char from cursor to the beginning of line
C-d   Delete char

-------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIOUS
Just  type  the commands  presented below (left part of lines) at the prompt
and hit the return key...            You'll learn a lot about your machine !

# date                print date & time on the standard output (your screen)
# cal                                                               calendar

# who am i                                            almost self explaining
# whoami                                                  slightly different
# id                                                      user id & group id

# alias                                                 alias for this login
# env                                   environment variables for this login
# clear                                                         clear screen
# reset                                             reset the display (font)
# exit                                                             to logout

# locate file                            search a 'locate' database for file
# updatedb                                      update the 'locate' database
# find / -name xxx.*             search recursively from / files named xxx.*
# man find                                                  is worth reading

# man command                                       man page for the command
# whatis keYword            search a the 'whatis' database for complete word
# apropos keYword                  search a the 'whatis' database for string
# makewhatis                                    update the 'whatis' database
# info                                          program to browse info files

# type coMmand                             give info for the command coMmand
# file fiLe                                      give info for the file fiLe
# cat  fiLe                            print the fiLe to the standard output
# less fiLe                                                   to browse fiLe
# tail -10 fiLe                              print the 10 last lines of fiLe

# cp file otherfile                                   copy file to otherfile
# mv file otherfile                          move (rename) file to otherfile
# mkdir dir                                                       create dir
# rmdir                                                           delete dir
# rm -rf dir                     remove dir & files recursively ! no undel !

# chmod 755 file                           (or directory)  change permission
# chown user file                                (or directory) change owner
# chgrp group file                               (or directory) change group

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ADMIN
# hostname                                             print the server name
# cat /etc/HOSTNAME                                                     same
# uname -a                                                              same
# cat /proc/version                                                     same
# arch                                                              cpu name
# cat /proc/interrupts                               for hardware lovers :-)
# domainname                                         print the server domain

# cat /proc/net/dev                                          network devices
# ifconfig                                            network devices config
# netstat -r                                             routing information

# lsmod                                     current in-kernel-loaded modules
# free                                                          Memory usage
# top                                       Autorefresh screen (C-c to stop)
# ps -axf                                           Show all running process
# kill pid                                  kill the job 'pid' (pid from ps)

# users                                      List users logged on the system
# who                                                        same as above +
# last -10                                           show the 10 last logins

# adduser userName                        to _add_ a user named userName (*)

# cd /var/spool/mail                                   to _remove_ a user...
# rm userName                                         remove his mailbox (*)
# cd /home
# rm -rf userName                     remove his home dir recursively(!) (*)
# jed /etc/passwd                            to remove the line userName (*)
hint ->                                          (Jed help: C-x C-w to save,
                                             C-x C-c to quit, C-x u is Undo)
# find / -user userName                  to see if there are other files (*)
# find / -uid  uid_de_userName            owned by userName, remove them (*)
# rm file_owned_by_userName                                              (*)

# passwd userName                           change the userName password (*)
# passwd                                  change your current login password

# shutdown -h now                                 to shutdown the system (*)
# shutdown -r now                                   to reboot the system (*)
Ctl-Alt-Del           does the same, is faster and you don't need to be root

# mount                           will show the current mounted filesystems,
# df                                                        partition usage,
# du                                            and path-relative disk usage

# mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom     To be able to access a CD-Rom (*)
# ls /mnt/cdrom                           will show you files in the CD root
# umount /mnt/cdrom                To be able to eject the CD from drive (*)

# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy                     for a diskette (*)
# ls /mnt/floppy                                  files in the diskette root
# umount /mnt/floppy      -- important ! -- before to eject the diskette (*)

---------------------------------------------------------------- FILE SYSTEM
ATTENTION: the system is _case sensitive_ when writing dir and file names !


The root filesystem is specific for each machine (it is generally stored on
a local disk, although it could possibly be downloaded to a ramdisk during
bootup) and contains the files that are necessary for booting the system up,
and to bring it up to such a state that the other filesystems may be
mounted. The contents of the root filesystem will therefore be sufficient
for the single user state. It will also contain tools for fixing a broken
system, and for recovering lost files from backups.

........................................................................ USR
The /usr filesystem contains all commands, libraries, manual pages, and
other unchanging files needed during normal operation.  No files in /usr
should be specific for any given machine, nor should they be modified during
normal use. This allows the files to be shared over the network, which can
be cost-effective since it saves disk space (there can easily be hundreds of
megabytes in /usr), and can make administration easier (only the master /usr
needs to be changed when updating an application, not each machine
separately). Even if the filesystem is on a local disk, it could be mounted
read-only, to lessen the chance of filesystem corruption during a crash.


The X Window System, all files.  To simplify the development and
installation of X, the X files have not been integrated into the rest of the
system. There is a directory tree below /usr/X11R6 similar to that below
/usr itself.


Almost all user commands. Some commands are in /bin or in /usr/local/bin.


System administration commands that are not needed on the root filesystem,
e.g., most server programs.

/usr/man, /usr/info, /usr/doc

Manual pages, GNU Info documents, and miscellaneous other documentation
files, respectively.


Header files for the C programming language. This should actually be below
/usr/lib for consistency, but the tradition is overwhelmingly in support for
this name.


Unchanging data files for programs and subsystems, including some site-wide
configuration files. The name lib comes from library; originally libraries
of programming subroutines were stored in /usr/lib.


The place for locally installed software and other files.

....................................................................... HOME
The /home filesystem contains the users' home directories, i.e., all the
real data on the system. Separating home directories to their own directory
tree or filesystem makes backups easier; the other parts often do not have
to be backed up, or at least not as often (they seldom change). A big /home
might have to be broken on several filesystems, which requires adding an
extra naming level below /home, e.g., /home/students and /home/staff.

~                              is the home directory for a particular user
~        ( = /home/pjb/ )      when logged as pjb
~        ( = /root/ )          when logged as root

..................................................................... OTHERS

/bin/          Commands needed during bootup that might be used by normal
               users (probably after bootup).

/sbin/         Like /bin, but the commands are not intended for normal users
               although they may use them if necessary and allowed.

/etc/          Configuration files specific to the machine.

/root/         The home directory for user root.

/lib/          Shared libraries needed by the programs on the root

/lib/modules/  Loadable kernel modules, especially those that are needed to
               boot the system when recovering from disasters (e.g., network
               and filesystem drivers).

/dev/          Device files.

/tmp/          Temporary files. Programs running after bootup should use
               /var/tmp, not /tmp, since the former is probably on a disk
               with more space.

/boot/         Files used by the bootstrap loader, e.g., LILO. Kernel images
               are often kept here instead of in the root directory.  If
               there are many kernel images, the directory can easily grow
               rather big, and it might be better to keep it in a separate
               filesystem. Another reason would be to make sure the kernel
               images are within the first 1024 cylinders of an IDE disk.

/mnt/          Mount point for temporary mounts by the system administrator.
               Programs aren't supposed to mount on /mnt automatically. /mnt
               might be divided into subdirectories (e.g., /mnt/dosa might
               be the floppy drive using an MS-DOS filesystem, and /mnt/exta
               might be the same with an ext2 filesystem).

/full/path/filename                    is a fully qualified file name

/vmlinuz       is the Kernel

........................................................................ ETC
The directory  /etc  contains  config files  for various part of the system.

/etc/DIR_COLORS         system color definitions for color_ls
/etc/crontab            system crontab (automatic jobs) table
/etc/termcap            terminal capability database, describes by what
                        '\escape sequences' various terminals can be
/etc/printcap           same as termcap but for printer

/etc/passwd             user database
                        username:passwd:uig:gid:real name:home:login_script
/etc/group              group database

/etc/profile            file executed at every login
/etc/bashrc             system bash config file (private is ~/.bashrc)

/etc/inittab            config file for init (run level...)
/etc/fstab              filesystems mounted automatically at startup
                        also contains information about swap areas
/etc/mtab               list of currently mounted filesystem
/etc/conf_modules       config file for kerneld daemon (loadable modules)
/etc/issue              login prompt

/etc/HOSTNAME           hostname (fully qualified)
                        script starting network (ethernet)
                        network (ethernet) config file used at startup
/etc/host.conf          search order for ip from name
/etc/resolv.conf        domain & nameserver ip address
/etc/networks           network ip address
/etc/hosts              list of ip/name known machine
/etc/inetd.conf         config file for inetd daemon
/etc/securetty          Identifies secure terminals
/etc/ftpaccess          config file for the ftp daemon
/etc/ftphosts           allow/deny hosts for ftp access
/etc/ftpusers           users that CAN NOT use ftp

........................................................................ VAR
The /var filesystem contains files that change, such as spool directories
(for mail, news, printers, etc), log files, formatted manual pages, and
temporary files. Traditionally everything in /var has been somewhere below
/usr, but that made it impossible to mount /usr read-only.


Lock files. Many programs follow a convention to create a lock file in
/var/lock to indicate that they are using a particular device or file. Other
programs will notice the lock file and won't attempt to use the device or


Log files from various programs, especially login (/var/log/wtmp, which logs
all logins ans logouts into the system) and syslog (/var/log/messages, where
all kernel and system program message are usually stored). File in /var/log
can often grow indefinitely, and may require cleaning at regular intervals.

/var/log/cron           crontab daemon
/var/log/maillog        sendmail daemon
/var/log/messages       system events
/var/log/secure         refused access from network
/var/log/lastlog        history for logins (use 'last' command to see this
                        file content)
/var/log/httpd/         apache daemon log files


Files that contain information about the system that is valid until the
system is next booted. For example, /var/run/utmp contains information about
people currently logged in.


Directories for mail, news, printer queues, and other queued work. Each
different spool has its own subdirectory below /var/spool, e.g., the
mailboxes of the users are in /var/spool/mail.


Temporary files that are large or that need to exist for a longer time than
what is allowed for /tmp. (Although the system administrator might not allow
very old files in /var/tmp either.)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTP
/etc/httpd/conf/*       config files for the httpd server
/var/log/httpd/*        log files
/home/httpd/html/       Web pages            (http://localhost)
/home/nam/public_html/  user 'nam' Web pages (http://localhost/~nam/)
/home/httpd/cgi-bin/    contains CGI scripts

-------------------------------------------------------------- BOOT SEQUENCE
Description of System V init by Red Hat

/etc/fstab            disks & file system structure
/etc/inittab          run level
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit  swap on, netconfig & various check
/etc/rc.d/rcX.d/*     rc1.d is for runlevel 1, rc3.d runlevel 3 (the default
                      :multiuser).  Each file there is a link to another one
                      in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ .If you do not want a service for
                      the particular run level 3: use the 'ntsysv' command.
/etc/rc.d/rc.local    last sript to run for local stuffs

# /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S85httpd stop                  to stop the http daemon (*)
# /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S85httpd start                           to restart it (*)

----------------------------------------------------------------- Foot Notes
(*) : you must be root to run that particular command

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La page de linux-31 > http://savage.iut-blagnac.fr/linux-31/